To Counter The Coronavirus, Rabbi Simon Jacobson Begins a New Daily Webcast

As the Coronavirus continues to spread and wreak havoc, and every day bringing new disturbing news, the Meaningful Life Center’s Rabbi Simon Jacobson has determined launch a counter offensive: A short empowering video called Your Daily Spiritual Antidote. Watch Daily Spiritual Antidote #1. 

“Every illness,” says Rabbi Jacobson, “has to be fought on two fronts: 1) To protect our physical health, and the health of our families and all those around us, by strictly abiding the instructions of medical professionals, 2) To reinforce and build up our spiritual resources, our resolve, our hope and trust, our love and inner values.”

In a personal note penned by Rabbi Jacobson he writes, “In normal times we often make do by relying on our conventional routines and habits, convinced that our material comforts provide us with ultimate security. But when those have all virtually been upended and we’re suddenly faced with deep unknowns, we realize that all we have left is our one and only true and ultimate security – the one that comes from our soul’s connection to G-d and to each other.

While we have no control over the virus and the events going on outside of ourselves, we do have full control over what is going on inside ourselves: what our attitudes are, which message we will give our children, families and friends, how nobly and in how dignified a manner we behave during this unprecedented time; which new skills and strengths – perhaps lying dormant within us until now – will emerge.”

“This,” said Reb Simon, “is the purpose of Your Daily Spiritual Antidote, to boost your emotional and psychological immunity. Every day you will receive a 3-minute video, with an insight and exercise how to fortify and nourish you soul and its boundless resources. This will help you and your family find inner calm and balance, to alleviate some of the strain and pressure we are all experiencing these days. It will help you rise to the occasion and let your soul shine forth in the best and most beautiful way it can. It will also provide perspective and allow you to make clearer decisions as we face the many unknowns.”

These daily videos will empower our inner and intimate lives – our connection with our families and loved ones, our inner fortitude and moral standards, and to remind each other what it is we stand for and are ready to fight for. Despite the darkness around us, now more than ever, we embrace being agents of light, particularly when the light is so drastically needed. “So while we may need to be socially distant for the time being,” concludes Rabbi Jacobson, “we must become soulfully closer than ever.”

You can receive/subscribe to these videos on a variety of platforms
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Rabbi Jacobson ends his letter with the powerful words: “Let us use this opportunity to transform what may appear as a “distancing” and “isolating” experience, into a connecting and unifying experience — a global unity revolution — uniting and bringing us closer together than ever before, until we merit to see the personal and global redemption of the entire world.