Video of the Day
So what would you do if you accidentally bumped another car in the brutal Crown Heights Purim traffic? This chevraman shook the mans hand after exchanging pleasantries, then handed over some Shalach Manos.
So what would you do if you accidentally bumped another car in the brutal Crown Heights Purim traffic? This chevraman shook the mans hand after exchanging pleasantries, then handed over some Shalach Manos.
A Jewish family quarantined at home over Purim in New Rochelle found their holiday plans in limbo, and turned to the Chabad Yeshiva in Westchester for help. After hearing the Megillah twice from a group of boys who came to their house and leined outside, Barry Schwartz posted the following thank you on Facebook.
The Jewish community of Paris filled Shuls this Purim as thousands came to hear the Megillah and celebrate the holiday.
Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, author and Chasidic historian shares interesting facts, many revealed for the first time. The purpose of his program is to inspire all but especially the youth. Watch another installment here on CrownHeights.info.
Masked up and under difficult circumstances with the world’s most populous nation under strict restrictions amid the coronavirus epidemic, the remaining Jews of China have begun celebrating Purim, as the holiday has started in the world’s easternmost time zones.
The Oholei Torah Eighth Grade will be putting on their annual Shushan Purim Carnival for boys on Wednesday at the Oholei Menachem Ballroom. Come and enjoy!
We present a gallery of photos and video of Purim being celebrated in the Chabad community of Moscow.
Bochrim from the Chabad Yeshiva in Westchester fanned out across New Rochelle, leining the Megillah for those unable to come to shul due to the quarantine. To keep themselves safe, the Bochurim did the leining outdoors, with those in quarantine on the other side of an open window.
An Arab terrorist was neutralized Tuesday afternoon after he attempted to carry out a stabbing attack at the Shalem Police Station in Jerusalem, near Damascus Gate. The terrorist was neutralized and no one was injured.
In another event effected by the rapid spread of the Coronavirus, the International Chidon Learning Retreat, a Halacha Chidon for high school girls, has been postponed until further notice. A virtual Chidon will continue as planned.
Each year, the Rebbe would call in the Rosh Yeshivah of Tomchei Tmimim, Rabbi Mordechai Mentlik, and give him money as Matonos L’evyonim for Kupas Bochurim; sustaining, clothing and caring for the Bochurim—the Rebbe’s children, “dem Rebbin’s kinder.” You too can take part in this vital cause.