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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 50% OFF 130PCS Magnetic Tiles Building Blocks

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130PCS Magnetic Tiles Building Blocks

3D Magnet Blocks Construction Playboards

For Kids Toddlers, Educational STEM

Preschool Toys for Boys Girls with 2 Cars

DEAL PRICE: $21.49 (50% OFF)


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Picture of the Day

Author Tzvi Freeman in conversation with Kehot’s Rabbi Yosef B. Friedman. Freeman’s new book 101 Meditations is due to hit the market on November 19th, and will be published by Ezra Press, an imprint of Kehot Publication Society.

Weekly Story: The Rebbe Rashab’s Bar Mitzvah

In honor of Chof Cheshvan, the 159th birthday of the Rebbe Rashab, it is my honor to present the story of his bar mitzvah. I hope you find it both informative and enjoyable. This chapter is an excerpt from the forthcoming Volume 5 of The Rebbeim Biography Series: The Rebbe Rashab, which I am in the midst of writing and preparing for print.

50th Anniversary For Lubavitch of Scotland

his past Sunday 12th Cheshvan – 10th November Lubavitch of Scotland held their 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee Dinner in Glasgow. Scotland’s Senior Rabbi & Rebbetzen Chaim and Sora Jacobs who are directors of Lubavitch of Scotland have been serving as the Rebbe’s Shluchim in since 5730 and were one of the first 50 shluchim to set up a Chabad House presence in a city sent by the Rebbe.