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InfoDeals Daily Deal – Men’s Slim Fit Suit

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WULFUL Men’s Slim Fit Suit

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DEAL PRICE: $54.67 – $75.59

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VIP Bochurim Announces Business Boot Camp

After 10 years of offering groundbreaking summer experiences, VIP Bochurim proudly announces the launch of its newest division: VIP Business Boot Camp, a program geared toward young Jewish men aged 18 and older. This program serves as the ultimate professional and personal growth experience for those looking to cultivate key skills, which will help them navigate the complex and challenging world of business.

In Israel’s Holy City of Tiberias, a New Couple Arrives in Time for a New Year

Tiberias, one of Israel’s four holy cities and a destination for visitors from around the world, has welcomed a new Chabad couple, who began 5780 with a resounding start. Rabbi Yona Elimelech and Esther Malka Zilbershtrom, who arrived only a month ago with their baby son Menachem Mendel in tow, hosted 50 people at their first Rosh Hashanah meal and filled the historic Old City synagogue for Rosh Hashanah prayer services. Participants included local residents, travelers from nearby hotels and a family from a nearby kibbutz.