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InfoDeals Daily Deal – Men’s Slim Fit Suit

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WULFUL Men’s Slim Fit Suit

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DEAL PRICE: $54.67 – $75.59

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Mazal Tov's View More

Representative Yvette Clarke Dodged Scrutiny for $120K Disappearing Act

In early 2016, a corruption scheme emerged inside the D.C. office of Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-Brooklyn). One-tenth of her taxpayer-funded Congressional office budget — $120,000, or enough for eight computers for every staffer — disappeared.

Hadras Ponim Zakein: How did the Rebbe Relate to a Chosid Who Removed His Beard?

The following letter written by the Rebbe in 1952 to a Tomim (who the Rebbe describes as a Torah scholar) who shaved off his beard, hoping to thereby improve his chances to secure his Parnasa. The original letter (with the Rebbe’s handwritten additional comments) was recently discovered in the archives of the Rebbe’s trusted secretary, Rabbi Dr. Nissan Mindel o’h and was made available by Nissan Mindel Publications, under the leadership of his son-in-law Rabbi Sholom Ber Schapiro.