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Weekly Story: I Want Him To….

In the early years of the Rebbe’s Nesius, one of the conditions that the Rebbe gave in order for him to be mesader kiddushin was that the chosson begin letting his beard grow and refrain from shaving or trimming it. However, this could only encourage a bochur to grow his beard, how about one that was already married? And we see from the following story that the Rebbe placed emphasis on that group as well.

Why Such Focus on the Walls of Yerushalayim?

Shiva Asar B’Tammuz marks the beginning of the Three Weeks. But this day bore tragedy for Jews even before Yerushalayim’s walls were breached. In fact, there are famously five tragic events which befell the Jewish people on this day. It’s strange then, that so much emphasis is placed on the walls.

Shabbos at the Besht: Yud-Beis Tammuz in Modern Times

This Shabbos at the Besht, Rabbi Yossi Paltiel is a popular teacher of Jewish philosophy, mysticism and Chassidism. He currently teaches at Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim Chovevei Torah, Machon Chana Women’s Institute for the Study of Judaism, and at the Beis Midrash L’Nashim in Brooklyn, NY, will lead a discussion on the topic of Yud-Beis Tammuz in Modern Times and  it’s relevance to every one of us.