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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 68% Mini Electric Screwdriver, 55-in-1 Magnetic Bits

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Mini Electric Screwdriver, 55-in-1 Magnetic Bits

Precision Electric Screwdriver, 3 Torque Settings

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LED Light, Repair Tool

DEAL PRICE: $41.99 (68% OFF)


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Weekly Story: This Is Who I Am

As Yud Aleph Nissan is this week, I decided to share with you an email which I received from Eli Duban, one of my former students, who is in his mid twenties and lives in Issaquah, Washington, on the west coast. He is a licensed life insurance agent, however, as we will see that no matter what our parnassa (livelihood) might be, in essence we all are chassidim eager to do the Rebbe’s bidding, and the reason we live out there is to spread the light of Torah and Mitzvos.

Shabbos at the Besht: Cleaning for Pesach

This Shabbos at the Besht, Rabbi Yosef Barber, Rosh Machon Smicha – Beis Medrash Chovevei Torah, will lead a discussion on the topic of Cleaning for Pesach – Where, How & What; 5 basic rules developed from the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch to help navigate the delicate balance between halachik requirements and customary chumros when cleaning for Pesach, including a discussion on medicines and cosmetics.