8:00pm: Are Lubavitchers Who Live in Crown Heights Second Class Citizens?

This week’s edition of MyLife: Chassidus Applied with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Episode 206, will air tonight, Sunday, here on CrownHeights.info, beginning at 8:00pm. This week Rabbi Jacobson will address the topics: Why Are We Holding on to New Chumros Which Don’t Seem to Be Part of the Original Torah? U’Ldovka Bo: To What Extent Does Cleaving to the Rebbe Attach One to G-d? What Special Powers Does the Rebbe Have? Are Lubavitchers Who Live in Crown Heights Second Class Citizens? How Do We Apply the Chassidic Example of a King in Our Modern Age When We No Longer Have Monarchs?

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Let’s create the Rebbe’s niggunim #2!

It has been a bit over 2 years since the Rebbe’​s Niggunim Volume 1 hit the shelves. Boruch Hashem,​ it is still going strong. ​Over 4,000 DVDs have been sold around the world. More importantly, thousands of kids now know and sing the niggunim, which no doubt gives the Rebbe great nachas. The Rebbe’s Nigunnim Volume I has even been translated into French! ​Yet there is one question Producer Chaim Hershkowitz gets over and over: ​When​ is Volume 2 coming out​?​ ​Hershkowitz responds, “I wish I could tell them.”