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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 25% OFF TERRO Liquid Ant Killer, 12 Bait Stations

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TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Killer, 12 Bait Stations

DEAL PRICE: $9.79 (25% OFF)


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Frum State Senator Leads Push to Stop Bag Tax

New York State Senator Simcha Felder was joined at City Hall by Senators Marty Golden and Tony Avella, Assemblyman Michael Cusick, and other colleagues on both sides of the aisle today to call on Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City Council to stop a regressive tax on plastic bags slated to begin next month. The legislators called the five-cent tax on each disposable plastic bag a bad deal for working- and middle-class New Yorkers, and another example of government “nickel and diming” taxpayers and their families.

From Jamaica to Jerusalem with Love

Rabbi Menachem Kutner, Director of Chabad’s Terror Victims Project (CTVP), was joined by Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Raskin, Chabad Shaliach from Jamaica, and his wife, Mushka, in a visit of comfort and encouragement to the IDF soldiers still hospitalized following the horrific truck terror attack that took place in southern Jerusalem on Sunday, January 8.

Video: Warm Greeting Leads to New World

Sarah Encaoua, a recent graduate from York University in Toronto who recently moved to Crown Heights, shares an inspiring story that she experienced. “I couldn’t resist and make a video out of it,” she said, “for it was something real and so moving. I was inspired, moved, in awe, every step of the way and wanted you to feel the same.”

‘Ordinary Woman’ Becomes Heroine to Soviet Refugees

The Rebbe’s call to reach out to every Jew and help them with both their spiritual and material needs has energized his chassidim.  Very often, ordinary chassidim reached beyond what they thought possible to find the means to fulfill this ideal.  Every chossid is a shliach, even if he does not bear the official title. One person who stands out in this area is Mrs. Reitza Kosofsky, founder of F.R.E.E. in Chicago.