New NYC Subway Car Design Unveiled
New subway cars with wider doors, Wi-Fi and phone charging stations are coming to New York City, though questions remain about how the state plans to help pay for them.
New subway cars with wider doors, Wi-Fi and phone charging stations are coming to New York City, though questions remain about how the state plans to help pay for them.
After a long day of sports, learning classes and other exiting activities Monday, the campers of Gan Yisroel-NY gathered in the shul for their most exciting night activity of the summer yet: a hypnotist show.
As the ‘Pokemon Go’ phenomenon grows, some institutions connected to European Jewry’s darkest hour – such as concentration camps and Holocaust museums – have taken precautions against it, citing the need to respect the memory of the dead. But in Russia, one Jewish institution with a troubled past is taking the opposite approach.
A massive construction crane collapsed onto the Tappen Zee Bridge today, sealing off one of the main links between New York City and the Catskill Mountains upstate. One of our readers spotted a Lubavitcher trying to make the best of a bad situation, by offering those stuck in traffic the chance to put on Tefilin and say a prayer.
On Rosh Hashana 5738 (1977) at a farbrengen, the Rebbe spoke about the mitzvah of Ma’os Chittim, pointing out that the needs of the poor during Tishrei are even greater than during Nissan. He suggested that a fund be established supplying Shabbos and Yom Tov necessities to the needy. Hours later, CSSY – The Organization to Bring Joy on Shabbos and Yom Tov – was born.
Machane Heights Day Camp completed its first exciting, fun and meaningful week of the summer, the highlights of which were captured in this video.
Yeshivas Kayitz-Kingston completed its first week of the summer, with the campers enjoying sports, swimming, delicious food, amazing trips, inspiring Shabbos, meaningful Farbrengens and much more.
Musician Leibale Lipsker and singer Simche Friedman present a stirring rendition of the Yud Beis Tammuz Niggun, composed by the chosid R’ Aron Charitonov 90 years ago upon the release of the Previous Rebbe from Soviet prison.
Oholei Torah has released the list of 174 bochurim who will go on ‘Shlichus’ to 43 locations around the globe.
Summer represents an accounting of sorts for academic institutions, and at the University of Maryland, the numbers are up in one particular field.