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Eber’s Purim Liquor and Wine Sale

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PSA: Garbage Collection in Alleyways Suspended

The Crown Heights Jewish Community Council has issued an advisory to members of the community that the NYC Dept. of Sanitation has suspended the collection of garbage while they focus on clearing the snow. Additionally, when resumed, garbage collection will not take place in alleyways until the snow melts, and all garbage must be placed on the sidewalk at the proper times.

Pop-Up Mall Returns to Crown Heights for Kinus Hashluchos

Due to popular demand after last year’s success, the Chof Beis Shvat Pop Up Mall is returning to Crown Heights on January 31. In honor of the visiting shluchos, Lullaby Baby, the Park Slope boutique store, is coordinating the event and will be joined by several local vendors including Teela, Salon MB, Ruti Horn and iKippah.

Tonight: Rally at the Ohel

On Monday, Tu B’shvat (January 25), there will be a rally at the Ohel for all children ages 5 to 12, featuring a grand game, refreshments and prizes. Buses will leave 770 at 5:00pm and return at 7:45pm. Transportation will cost $3.