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Video: ‘Nyet Nyet Nikavo’ Sung in the Kremlin

In a spectacle that a mere couple of decades ago would have been unthinkable, a choir of boys from Chabad’s Cheder Menachem day school in Moscow recently performed within the walls of the Kremlin, including an emotional rendition of the song that kept Jews’ spirits up during the dark years of the USSR: ‘Nyet Nyet Nikavo Krome Boga Adnavo’ (there is no one other than G-d alone).

4,325 Shluchim Declare UN Resolution Null and Void

“We are all here united and larger in number than the representatives in the UN who voted for the two state solution to divide Israel. While they represent different countries we represent the Lubavitcher Rebbe, the one and only leader of our generation who vehemently opposed such a scheme. Therefore we hereby declare in the name of all the Shluchim that the UN Resolution is null and void and there never, ever will be a Palestinian state alongside Israel and every inch of Eretz Yisroel will remain under control of its rightful owner – Am Yisroel,” declared Rabbi Yoseph Gerlitzky, head shaliach to Tel Aviv to a resounding applause by 4, 325 Chabad emissaries from around the globe.

‘Secret of Chabad’ Featured at Jewish Federation’s GA

The Jewish Federation’s annual conference in Washington, DC, known as the GA, is being attended by over 20,000 people this year, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Featured at this event was a seminar on the secret of Chabad’s success, delivered by California Shliach Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie, who recently published a bestselling book on the topic.

Palestinian Boys Aged 11 and 14 Stab Israeli

Two Palestinian minors, aged 11 and 14, stabbed an Israeli guard on Jerusalem’s light rail in the Pisgat Ze’ev neighborhood of Jerusalem. The victim was moderately wounded. Both perpetrators were caught; but Israeli authorities say the 11-year-old won’t be prosecuted due to his age.

Op-Ed: Want to ‘Take Back Birthright from Chabad?’ Bring It On!

As a Chabad Rabbi, I just had the pleasure of spending an amazingly inspirational weekend at the International Conference of Shluchim (emissaries) where I joined some 4000 colleagues from around the world in sharing ideas and bottling inspiration for the upcoming year at our posts.

by Rabbi Avi Richler - Times of Israel