From Days Gone By: An American Bochur
In this vintage photograph, taken in the early 1950s, a young Yehoshua Wilansky, may he be well, sits on his bike outside the Lubavitch Yeshiva on Bedford and Dean.
In this vintage photograph, taken in the early 1950s, a young Yehoshua Wilansky, may he be well, sits on his bike outside the Lubavitch Yeshiva on Bedford and Dean.
In a bold display of Jewish pride, Chabad of Berlin installed what may well be the largest mezuzah in Germany. “The reaction to anti-Semitism may be to hide our identity. But we need to wear our Judaism proudly,” says Rabbi Yehudah Tiechtel, executive director of Chabad in Berlin and rabbi of the city’s Jewish community.
A man was found dead this afternoon in the basement of his home, which is next door to the largest Jewish girls’ school in Crown Heights. Police are investigating the death as a homicide.
After successfully raising almost $200,000 on behalf of the young family of Nadiv Kehaty, OBM, through a GoFundMe campaign, Nadiv’s fellow Shul-goers set up a parallel Charidy campaign, with the aim of raising another $250,000 – as part of a campaign to raise a total of $1 million dollars.
Amid a visit to Moscow, the Rebbe of Luitzk, who is a descendant of the Alter Rebbe, stopped by for a visit at the Jewish Museum of Tolerance, where the Frierdiker Rebbe’s collection of Seforim and manuscripts is archived.
Students, parents, teachers and friends came together on the evening of February 26 in Melbourne, Australia, for the 25th Annual Mishnayos Ba’el Peh Awards Evening to recognize the achievements of Yeshivah College students who had achieved outstanding results in their efforts to learn Mishnayos Ba’el Peh.
A palpable feeling of Jewish unity emanated from the hundreds of people gathered on Sunday at Chabad of North Fulton in Alpharetta, Ga. Members of the crowd sported black hats and beards, jeans and T-shirts, long sleeves and skirts; in fact, those assembled could be construed as resembling a Torah scroll itself, bringing letters and souls together to form a single Jewish people.
Why is the pain so deep? Why couldn’t I sleep last night? I don’t think I ever exchanged more than a few words with him. We saw each other each morning on our walk to Oholei Torah daily for 2 years. Our sons were in the same class. He always greeted us with a happy “Good Morning.”
R’ Shmuel Finck is sitting Shiva after the passing of his father, Dr. Moshe Finck, OBM, at 1539 Union St. [between Kingston and Albany Aves.]. Shachris – 7:30am. Mincha – Shkia. Maariv – Tzeis. Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch She’ar Aveilei […]
“I have come here to thank the soldier from the Red Army who came to save me. Who knows where I would be today, if not for him,” Breindel Fleishman, 90, told those gathered last month at the Moscow Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp.