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Eber’s Purim Liquor and Wine Sale

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Burst Pipe Rallies Students Around Chabad Couple

Students of Drexel University in Philadelphia have rallied to help a Cha­bad couple who provides kosher meals for them after a kitchen pipe recently burst. The Chabad house caters ­daily dinners for about 25 students as well as home-cooked meals for larger groups on Shab­bat and special events.

Jewish Exponent

Music Video: The Reveal

Just in time for Purim 2014 comes “The Reveal,” an all new music video that takes a giant leap forward in Jewish cinematography, turning back the clock to the golden age of cinema – the 1920s. Starring Lipa Schmeltzer and Ari Lesser, along with Zvika Bornstein as none other than Charlie Chaplin, The Reveal takes a look back in time at Purim of the past in order to drive home an important lesson.

Vayikra: Love in All the Gross Places

“This is a book about love” Peggy Noonan begins her book on 9/11. It’s a captivating read: raw, unedited. Written at the time and in the aftermath of when jets crushed towers into rubble and white smoke smotered Manhattan and death choked the streets for days. Its reads battlefield, not memorial. And yes, with all the terror and bleeding and gory horror, she’s right – it is a book about love. Across the pages she sifts through her mind, her conscious, her life, her generation, our ethos. And she brings us through with a generous spirit.

by Shimon Posner