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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 93% OFF Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill

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Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmills for Home

340 Lbs Capacity, 3 in 1 Portable Walking Pad

DEAL PRICE: $169.99 (93% OFF)


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Mazal Tov's View More

Trees Felled by Sandy Given New Meaning on Tu B’Shvat

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, devastation was everywhere. Roads were closed and power lines brought down by trees uprooted by the storm. While driving his children to school each morning in Morristown, N.J., Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzchok Moully says he would look at the fallen trees, hoping that “some industrious craftsman or carpenter would create something beautiful and spiritually meaningful from the destitution.”