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Chabad of Jacksonville Innaugurate New Mikvah

The Jacksonville Community Mikvah, Mikvah Yaakov Yoel, at Chabad Lubavitch of Northeast Florida in Jacksonville, FL was inaugurated yesterday, Sunday January 6th. This Mikvah is described as a spa for the body as well as the soul.

Oholei Torah Zal Honors Chof Daled Teves

To mark the 24th Teves, a full day event was organized in the Oholei Torah Beis Medrash. There was a siyum made, followed by a Hadran of the Rebbe, for the completion of the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch. The bochurim took on to learning the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch on Chai Elul and finished on Chof Daled Teves.

Man Killed in Dirt Bike Crash


A scene of a fatal motorcycle accident. Illustration Photo.

CROWN HEIGHTS — A 24-year-old Brooklyn man died after his unregistered Kawasaki dirt bike crashed into car near Kings County Hospital Center Sunday night, police said.