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Eber’s Tishrei Liquor and Wine Sale

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Photo Gallery: YSP Marks Chof Av

The bochurim of the Yeshiva Summer Program in Morristown, NJ traveled to the Rebbe’s resting place in Queens, in honor of the Yahrtzeit of the Rebbe’s father. Returning to Brooklyn, they took a tour of the Aguch library in 770, hearing all about the life of Reb Levik, and seeing his Torah writings, which were smuggled out of the Soviet Union by his wife, Rebbetzin Chana.

New Montreal Chabad Center Nears Completion

Canadian Jewish News

The new Chabad center of Cote St. Luc in Montreal is near completion. The ceramic tiles from China for the lower level are due any day now, and a permanent Aron Kodesh for the main sanctuary upstairs will be ready soon, by Rosh Hashanah, IY”H; but 11 Torahs are in place, and for all intents and purposes, the tiles and the Aron amount to finishing touches.

Video: Man Attempts to Break into Jewish Home

A middle-aged African-American male was caught on surveillance video attempting to force his way into a Jewish residence. At about 2:00am last night, the suspect approached the home on Montgomery St. and blocked the peephole with a “Shir Hamaalos” card. Luckily, the inhabitants decided not to open the door; there is no telling what he intended to do if the door had been opened.

Op-Ed: Taking Stock of Where We Stand

by Anonymous

There is a tendency within Chabad to be quick to call out and put down another sector of the orthodox community when something is being done within Chabad that one may not approve of. For example, a report on someone taking a hard stance on Tznius usually results in comments such as “who do you think we are, Satmar?”

Photos: Mr. Rohr Laid to Rest on Har Hazeisim


Hundreds of Shluchim, Anash and family members honored their beloved patron and supporter Mr. Sami Rohr, escorting him to his resting place on Har Hazeisim in Yerushalayim. His levaya symbolized his life – quiet and modest.

CGI Nashville Has Most Successful Summer Yet

As Chabad of Nashville, Tennessee has just recently moved onto its beautiful new building on a nine acre campus, filled with trees, birds, deer and the most beautiful outdoor surroundings, it has just concluded the most successful and accomplishing summer sessions of Camp Gan Israel. CGI Nashville is led by Shluchim Rabbi Yitzchok and Esther Tiechtel.