Sharpton Denies Involvement in Crown Heights Riots


Yesterday, at an event in South Los Angeles rallying for the family of Trayvon Martin, Rev. Al Sharpton, host on MSNBC, was interviewed in the parking lot by Breitbart News reporter Christian Hartsock. Here’s the transcript:

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Weekly Living Torah Video: Never Too Late

“Second Passover teaches us that ‘It’s never too late.’ The holiday was given for those who were unable to offer the original Passover sacrifice in its proper time. They thought that it was too late, and yet they were told that there is a solution. So too, in any area of life, if there are things you should have done in the past, but did not, it’s never too late to make them up now.”

Ahavas Chesed Blood Drive Sunday

A Blood Drive will take place Sunday, April 29 (7 Iyar) from 2:00 PM to 8:30 PM at Ahavas Chesed, 271 Kingston Ave. [between Lincoln and St. Johns Pl.]. Refreshments will be served. Please bring identification. One must wait 56 days between blood donations.


Space Shuttle Flies to New York City

New York Times

Enterprise, the prototype for the space shuttles, flew over the New York City area, riding atop a specially equipped 747 jet, before landing at Kennedy International Airport at 11:22 a.m. And, perhaps in a scenario familiar to many air travel passengers arriving in New York, the shuttle took its time meandering over the area before landing.

Dnepropetrovsk Rocked by Consecutive Bombings

Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine’s fourth largest city, has been rocked by four mysterious bombing which took place only minutes apart. The city, formerly known as Yekatrinoslav, was the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s childhood hometown, where his father served as chief rabbi. It is also home to the largest Chabad House in the world, run by Rabbi Shmuel Kaminezki, who arrived there in 1989 while it was still part of the Soviet Union.

India Deports Iranian for Spying on Israelis in Pune

Jerusalem Post

Police in the Indian city of Pune deported an Iranian national last month after they discovered him spying on Israeli nationals and Jewish institutions in the city, the Pune Mirror reported on Thursday.

Shliach Receives Highest Honor from Dutch Queen

Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs, Chief Rabbi of the Inter-Provincial Cheif Rabbinate in Holland and member of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe, was made today an Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau, one of the highest civilian awards given by the Queen of Holland. The honour is usually given to princes of other royal families in Europe, diplomats, artists, and social activists. It is the first time in the history of the Dutch Jewish community where a rabbi has received this honour.

Rebbe: Mikvahs Should Not Be Named After People


Over the past few years, several newly built and renovated Chabad Mikvahs have been named in honor of a particular person: ‘Mikvah Meir’ in Crown Heights, ‘Yankele’s Mikvah’ in Kfar Chabad, ‘Mei Menachem’ in a few locations , and many more. However, according to a newly discovered ‘Ksav Yad’ (handwritten note) of the Rebbe, the concept of naming a mikvah after a person is not accepted Chabad custom.