At The Seder: Telling It Like It Was, And Still Is
“Israel is waste, bare of seed,” reads an inscription attributed by archeologists to the Ancient Egyptian King Merneptah on a granite stele erected by King Amenhotep III.
“Israel is waste, bare of seed,” reads an inscription attributed by archeologists to the Ancient Egyptian King Merneptah on a granite stele erected by King Amenhotep III.
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Biur Chametz in Montreal was coordinated by Rabbi Dovid Cohen with the Police and Fire Departments, who took the necessary safety measures to allow Lubavitchers to burn their chometz on Erev Pesach.
While children played in the aisles, students shared familial customs with each other and kitchen staff prepared the Kosher meal, female attendees lit candles as Rabbi Yerachmiel Gorelick began Chabad’s seventh annual Passover Seder.
Crown Heights [CHI] — In what can only be described as a Passover gift to the Crown Heights Jewish community, the NYPD’s top brass have decided to reassign the much maligned commanding officer of the 71st precinct, Peter Simonetti, to a non-command position in the Brooklyn North police district.
In Kfar Chabad on the eleventh day of Nissan, the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s 110th birthday, 1,700 Chabad temimim gathered together for a special day that was entirely dedicated to the Rebbe.
Hundreds of pay phone booths across the city will soon be transformed into “smart screen ” stations as part of a pilot program, according to the New York Post.
“How are you going to explain this to people who have never seen it?” asked a bemused woman in the parking lot of Chabad-Lubavich of Greater Boynton.
For more than a year, Russia has prohibited its government-run museums from sending artworks to exhibitions in the United States. The ban has frustrated and puzzled American museum officials, because it was spurred by a legal decision unrelated to anything the museums themselves have done. Diplomacy has failed to lift it.
In honor of his yahrzeit on the tenth of Nissan * Reb Yitzchok Nemes was a great Yireh Shomayim with refined midos. His entire life was an unbroken circle consisting of concern for others, being mzake horabim and involving himself in activities that sanctified Hashem’s name in countries where few Jews lived. This came about as a result of his stamp business, which frequently took him abroad doing business with governments and private collectors.
A 25-year-old bochur in the Chabad Yeshiva in Kiev, Ukraine was savagely beaten on his way back from the Seder on the second night of Pesach; he is reportedly in grave condition.
Please say Tehilim for Aaron Alexander ben Avraham.
Crownheights.info and the Avner Institute present this unique, newly released photo of the Rebbe giving over a Chassidic discourse on 6 Tishrei, 5731 (1970); with special thanks to the Minkowitz family.
Just in time for Passover, the Jewish Children’s Museum has opened a new exhibit that provides an interactive lesson in the history of the Jewish people.