Inspector Simonetti Removed from 71st Precinct

Crown Heights [CHI] — In what can only be described as a Passover gift to the Crown Heights Jewish community, the NYPD’s top brass have decided to reassign the much maligned commanding officer of the 71st precinct, Peter Simonetti, to a non-command position in the Brooklyn North police district.

Officer Simonetti will be replaced by incoming Commanding Officer Cap. John J. Lewis of the 76th Precinct.

Officer Simonetti was well known in the community for his apathy toward the Jewish community in Crown Heights and their concerns. In particular, he took pleasure in intimidating and harassing the community’s Shomrim volunteer patrol, which often had to fill the wide gaps in security left by police under his watch.

In an interview with, one Shomrim coordinator had this to say about the outgoing commanding officer: “In my 22 years as a Shomrim volunteer, we have never had to deal with a worse commander.

It is our hope and prayer that the incoming commander will bring a breath of fresh air and positive change to our community and our neighborhood,” he added.

When Simonetti first arrived in Crown Heights in the summer of 2008 to replace inspector Vega, there was much excitement and hope that the community would finally be able to count on a police chief who took a tough stance on crime. Unfortunately, we were very quickly feeling bitter disappointment.

Aside for the severe increase in violent crime during his command, as well as a number of arrests of Jews for crimes committed against themwhich incurred the public’s outrage, Simonetti persevered despite his toxic presence. He made it his business to get involved in the politics within the Jewish community, and was persuaded to use his position as a law enforcement officer to persecute the community’s volunteer patrol, Shomrim.

“Police are to remain an impartial witness and are to act under the law, not an inch more or less,” said a Shomrim spokesperson; “we also hope that police see Shomrim as the valuable resource it is – a group of responsible volunteers who care for the community they live in, and make use of this valuable tool rather then try to persecute it into extinction.”

Related Articles:

Police Take the Gloves Off – All Out War with Shomrim.
Thursday Nights Precinct Council Meeting
Lies and Deception at the Precinct Council Meeting
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  • Shomrim Six

    Any action Simonetti took against our fellow volunteers in the Shomrim organization, came from direct orders of the CHJCC/Chanina Sperlin and Co.

    From the moment he stepped foot into Crown Heights the Mossrim (Sperlin, Spritzer, Poltotak, Huebner etc…) made it a point to fill him with hateful propaganda against the Shomrim/Hershkops.

    I hope and pray our new police commander has more sense and stays out of politics and just does his job.

  • Siman Tov U Mazel Tov!

    Hope you’re reading this Simonetti, you anti-semitic creep.

    THANK YOU Commissioner Kelly!

  • WE are Here and schmukanetti is not

    WE are Here and schmukanetti is not
    history in its best
    the problem remove and we the jews of crown heights are here
    and not going anywere.
    we are strong even after the blood lible orchestrated by simonetti and his friends.
    we will be strong and welcome the new guy with open arms and support him .
    good luck to the new inspector

  • Yaysher Koach

    No. 3 – well said. I’m just an out of towner for Pesach, and I am happy to report that the presence of police cruising, walking police and command posts, the 24 hr 770 presence is truly phenomenal… I feel safe walking any time of the day or late evening and I salute the local precinct for this.

  • Srul Moshe

    This news is a nice Afikoman gift!

    Simonety was a true animal, Mamosh a disposable person!

    Chalila Sperlin loves anyone that will pose with him for a picture, Hashem yirachem!

  • mazal tov

    finally they found him a post. I hear they didn’t know where to place him as no one wanted him. Its good news. Just lets hope the new chief is no a shmock.

  • love shomrim

    if only other news outlets would tell report the news the way it is would also be a pesach miracle

  • COP

    Had he done his job and stayed away from the corrupt mossrim he would have been a great COP, he could have done great things for Crown Heights.

    Anybody who spoke to Peter Simonetti could see right away that he was an aggressive bully. Had he used this aggressiveness/ bullishness to fight crime he would have been great.

    Unfortunately, like comment #3 pointed out, he was fooled by fools and focused on trying to destroy a good group of volunteers whose main focus is to help me and you. Thanks g-d they failed.

    Advice to the new guy: Don’t even meet with the people from the CHJCC, stay away from Chanina Sperlin. Do your job!!!

  • Sad to see him go

    The only people sad to see him go and who are praising “the good job he did”, are those who benefited from him the most, by using him against fellow Jews to further their own political agenda.

    The only reason Inspector Peter Simonetti was in Crown Heights as commander 71st Precinct for so many years, despite crime spiking high is only because the Mesira Machine CHJCC, Chanina Sperlin and gang (which also backs the Shmira Mesira) wanted him here. As long as Simonetti was doing the Mesira Machines will, he was staying in CH.

    The Machine (Chanina Sperlin, Eli Cohen with their Crown Heights Jewish community Council Inc.) has been giving direct orders to Simonetti to attack Shomrim and it’s volunteers in any way possible. Ever since the new inspector has arrived to Crown Heights thats all he has been focused on. Who has time to fight crime when you have to focus all your man power and energy on one individual and his organization from East New York Ave, who drive scooters.

    NOW, do to lawsuits against the police department, Simonetti hands are tied and is therefore rendered useless. The mesira machine has no use for him anymore.

    When Inspector Frank Vega did not heed the Mesira Machines call to attack Shomrim and its volunteers he was given the boot. All of a sudden Crown Heights had “leaders” that knew how to stick up for the community. We know now that it was only self serving.

    The realty of the matter is: Crime was very much down when Inspector Frank Vega was commander of the 71st precinct.
    Crime has spiked since Inspector Peter Semonetti has become the commander of the 71st precinct.

    Another important fact: It was in Inspectors Vegas tenner that Shmira member Yitzchok Shuchat deliberately beat Andrew Charles, which almost caused another riot in the streets of Crown Heights, which would have endangered every Crown heights resident and as a matter of fact as a result of Shmira member Yitzchok Shuchats reckless actions (shortly after) a few Jewish residents were ruthlessly attacked.

  • ex CH

    Hopefully the new CO will know the difference between the crime fighters of Shomrim and the Jew fighters of Shmira.


    dont let the door hit you on the way out…
    have fun at you “non-command” post@well deserved!

  • DaasTorah

    If the Shomrim really want to help then they need to join the NYPD Auxiliary Police. They will get actual training and will be given powers of arrest.

  • To Help Yidden

    TO #14

    You don’t need NYPD training or ID to help yidden. all you need is good will.

    Once your under nypd wings, you must fly their way, just like they “let you in”, they can throw you out. In fact, nypd tried to shut down shomrim by having them join the COP program in 2009. Baroch hashem Shomrim refused the offer, Shomrim is still here, may i add, stronger them ever.

    In regards to making arrest: Both Shomrim and NYPD must follow the laws of the land, if shomrim (or you and me) catches/witness a perp doing a crime, NYPD has to arrest that person.

    Besides: where did you read this rule? what part of shulchan aruch or perki avos did you find this law?

  • CH Resident

    What upsets me the most about the CHJCC manufactured controversy regarding “Shomrim Shmira issue” is the fact that for over 10 years the CHJCC has used their shmira organization, the police department and mesira in an attempt to shut Shomrim down. They used propaganda to try an convince us not to call the volunteers in Shomrim when WE need assistance, BUT (and this is where i get upset), never gave us another alternative that would come to our rescue when we need it.

    In other words: all they wanted was to destroy shomrim, leaving the people of Crown Heights with nobody to call when in need.

    I’m glad that Shomrim was able to stand up against the giants that where sent to destroy them. i’m glad that Shomrim choose not to give up but instead to stick around and support the community with their assistance.

    Thank you Shomrim for supporting Crown Heights!!!

  • Crown Hts mom

    Very gratified to hear of the change at the 71st precinct.

    There have been too many incidents of Jewish residents being attacked and no action taken.

    Similarly, there have been a number of cases of harassment arrests, for example, smoking a cigarette on one’s own front steps, standing and talking on the sidewalk, arresting a Jew on Erev Rosh Hashono [that was videod and truly was not the NYPD’s finest hour], the mom held captive in her car for moving it incorrectly on Purim,etc.

    Hopefully, this administrative change will translate into an actual attitude shift regarding the Jewish residents of Crown Hts [including the Shomrim, who have the community’s support and heartfelt appreciation.]

    Btw, I will call Shomrim before I call the police. I know that they will respond in a timely manner and will treat my call with respect and concern. I have done so when there was a vagrant in our alley, and when I passed a parked school bus at night that had its’ doors open, respectively.


    To #17:

    Your correct, but understand, this was never about helping or assisting people in need. The CHJCC has received millions of dollars by way of government grants/contract to help the needy and have failed to do so. Instead they pocketed this money or used it to create what you called “manufactured controversy”.

    Why create “manufactured controversy”?

    Ive already wrote about it many times. They create these “issue”, whether it be the “shomrim shmira issue” (Read more about it here: http://whoisshmira.wordpres…), or a “Rabonim issue”; “Fischer issue; ”elections issue“; ”Yechi issue” etc…etc… any Crown Heights issue/controversy you can think about since 1974, only to keep the people of Crown Heights distracted. They keep us distracted with stupidity all the while they steal the millions.

    In a few words, they (chjcc and co.) couldn’t give a darn about helping people in need. It’s all about the money.

    In regards to Peter Simonetti, he was just another tool for them, he was their sucker, now hes a nothing all the while they continue to count their millions. He stupidly risked his career for these losers who already forgot his name and who are already planing how they can get to the new guy.

  • Stuart Hearshal Tresser

    I have read your charges and statements about Peter J. Simonetti, the former Commanding Officer of the 71st Precinct. I am personally appauld by the stupid, negative comments, and charges of hate, and most vicious attack. I have kniown Mr. Simonetti for 90% of his term at the 71st Police Precinct. I know he has made some people unhappy, however, the vicious attack is not in anyone’s interest. Mr. Simonetti has responded to the community making it safer, and improving the quality of life! I believe the power struggle between Shomrim and is similar in nature as the Fire Dept and Police. There is often conflict between different agencies because of jealous behavior. I have a lot of respect for Peter J. Simonetti because he was out there on the front lines fighting crime, responding to the community! Why not tell the truth and not spread hate and false misleading statements. Mr. Simonetti was a great commanding officer and was on top of things doing his job for the community!