Chanukah Celebration Features Doughnut Menorah
Eight-year-old Aliza and 6-year-old Nochi Zeines drizzled chocolate on a pair of doughnuts, plopped on a dab of whipped cream and finished them off with a handful of sprinkles.
Eight-year-old Aliza and 6-year-old Nochi Zeines drizzled chocolate on a pair of doughnuts, plopped on a dab of whipped cream and finished them off with a handful of sprinkles.
Ben Diamond, a Lubavitcher in the American Army who attended West Point and is now a captain in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, shows a video to over 90 soldiers about the Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach.
It was the shortest day of the year, but when the fourth Chanukah light was kindled on Thursday, 22nd of December outside the Gloucester Road underground station, there was light.
On Wednesday december 21 – the 2nd night of chanukah Rabbi Peretz and Chavi Chein of Chabad of Cheadle, UK organised their annual chanukah lighting in the Sainsbury’s and John Lewis Mall.
Over 100 Yidden (both local and visitors) gathered to watch a beautiful ‘Hawaiian style’ tiki menorah being lit on the 1st night of Chanukah. The event was organized by “Gani” – Chabad-Lubavitch of Kauai.