Home Depot Partners with Chabad for Chanukah
Chanukah begins Tuesday evening, December 20, but visitors to Home Depot’s St. Louis store got an early start on the Festival of Lights last Sunday building their own, usable, take-home wood menorahs.
Chanukah begins Tuesday evening, December 20, but visitors to Home Depot’s St. Louis store got an early start on the Festival of Lights last Sunday building their own, usable, take-home wood menorahs.
The following is a clipping from today’s New York Times sent to us by one of our readers. In a section titled “Dear Diary,” a Jewish woman writes about her encounter with a Lubavitcher Bochur doing Chanukah Mivtzoim.
SACRAMENTO, CA [CHI] — California Governor Jerry Brown joined Chabad today for the 18th Annual Capitol Menorah Lighting on the West Steps of the California State Capitol in Sacramento, CA.
When borough council denied a request for a menorah at the borough building, some members of Chabad Fox Chapel were disappointed.
Excerpts from a broadcast on channel 2 news during Chanukah 5752 (1991-1992) of the Chanukah Live satellite hook-up connecting communities all over the world with 770.
Almost one in three teenagers and young adults have been arrested by the age of 23 for anything from underage drinking to violent crime.
Five New York City firefighters were injured fighting a blaze at a Crown Heights apartment Monday morning.
Pictures from the wedding of Nesanel Zhivalyuk (Newton, PA) and Dassi White (Seattle, WA), which took place on December 18, 2011 in the Crystal Tea Room in Philadelphia, PA.
The organizers of the Annual NYC Chanukah Menorah Parade, run by the Mitzvah Tank Org. under the auspices of the Lubavitch Youth Org., have announced that due to more “Pirsumei Nisa”, this year tradition will change. The parade will be advanced to Thursday night the 3rd night of Chanukah – Dec 22nd at 5pm, instead of Motzoei Shabbos as every year.
Mendy Pellin, the world-acclaimed Chassidic comedian and actor, flew in from Los Angeles to co-host the RCCS “Miracles ’11” Auction drawing. Pellin joins a long list of Jewish superstars who have dedicated this evening on behalf of the several hundred cancer-stricken families helped each year by RCCS, the Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society.
The Chanukah Run-a-Latke in Swampscott, Massachusetts was as much about the latke as it was about the run.
What is a Chasid, you ask? The question was asked more than a century ago; the illustrious master answered, “he is a lamternsh’chik, a lamplighter”. But you live in the here and now, and so you ask, what is a lamplighter? He was a common figure in the world before light pollution camouflaged the night. The gas lamps were prepared, fuel and wick, and come eventide the lamplighter-fellow with his long stick, carrying fire at the far end, would light each lamp as he worked his way down the street.
Health authorities have grown alarmed at mounting signs of disorder and danger to patients at a Brooklyn hospital already reeling from major financial problems and allegations of political corruption.
A Jewish friend who leans right offers a shorthand way to understand how Americans see Israel. Liberals, he says, love Jews and hate Israel, while conservatives reverse the pattern.
A local mother is thankful her son with special needs is safe after he arrived home hours late from school.
Westfield, the world’s largest shopping mall empire founded by Holocaust survivor Frank Lowy, will this year welcome in Chanukah on three continents.