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New JCM Exhibits Will Immerse Children in Story

A representation of the biblical Jacob’s Ladder is part of the Jewish Children’s Museum’s new fourth-floor exhibit highlighting the long history of the Jewish people.

Enter one of four vibrantly colored canvas entrances, and you’ll immediately find yourself at ease in Abraham and Sarah’s cozy tent. Come March 2012, more than 1 million expected visitors will feel the same way when they get up close to “The Ancient Story of a Modern People,” the brand new fourth floor addition to Brooklyn, N.Y.’s Jewish Children Museum.

Why Donors Like Chabad, Part 2

Photo: Boruch Ezagui

When attending the annual conference of Chabad emissaries in New York, I am frequently tempted to contrast it with similar conventions whose attendees are mandated with securing the Jewish future. Particularly the Jewish Federations’ General Assembly comes to mind as it often takes place around the same time.

Much Awaited Song by Marcus-Dachs Duo Arrives

A new music video shows exclusive footage from Rubashkin’s Game Plan, the long awaited documentary film focusing both on the case of Sholom Rubashkin, and dual reaction of anger and solidarity from the Jewish community following the unprecedented harsh sentence handed down in the case.

Liverpool Students Enjoy Cooking Session at Chabad

by S. Phillips

When it comes to student cooking, I consider myself a serial bad-habit maker; a culinary Jack the Ripper. I’ve committed all the gastronomic sins: Buying microwave meals, not checking the sell-by date on milk and the classic ‘healthy epiphany.’ Over-zealously buying vegetables then forgetting about them later, leading to a severe biohazard situation developing in the fridge two weeks later… (or was it a month?)

OK Mashgiach Conference Held in Crown Heights

Tamir Goodman, also known as the “Jewish Jordan,” introducing his new innovation – ‘SportStings Tzitzis’

On Monday, 2 Kislev (November 28), OK Kosher Certification held its 13th annual international Mashgiach Conference in Chovevei Torah in Brooklyn, NY. Over 150 OK personnel and mashgichim were in attendance, including rabbis from Japan, India, Greece, Israel, Poland, Germany, Belgium and others from around the world.