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Leftist Israeli Paper Virulently Attacks the Rebbe

In a ranting response to Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s UN speech, in which he mentioned the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s words to him about shining light in dark places, a writer at the extreme-left-wing newspaper ‘Ha’aretz’ went off the deep end, slinging slanderous accusations one after the other at a Jewish leader who showed only love and respect for all mankind. Slurs such as ‘Racist’ ‘Inciter’ and ‘Hater’ are liberally thrown around, as well as the completely ridiculous assertion that Boruch Goldstien was an ‘Emissary’ of the Rebbe.

Larger, Private Spot Is Found for TriBeCa Sukkah

New York Times

Chana Paris and her husband, Rabbi Zalman Paris, the head of the Chabad of TriBeCa, in Duane Park, the spot where they originally planned to build a sukkah.

The Great Sukkah Controversy in TriBeCa has been amicably settled in time for the Jewish holidays, with a new location found nearby for the sukkah and an offer by opponents of its placement in a park to cover the costs of staffing.

Orthodox Women Spend Hundreds on Wig Styling

NY Post

Linda is whisked to a private, VIP room that has been graced by the likes of Al Pacino, the former queen of Jordan and assorted NYC elites. She’s a young, fashionable, Louboutin-loving mom from Forest Hills who gladly spends as much on her shoes as she does haircuts. A fact that normally wouldn’t turn heads — except that these costly sessions, which run about $325, aren’t for her own hair. They’re for her wig.

Video: The World Famous Rosh Hashana Card

No need to go to the mailbox or even open an e-card, Torah Café’s High Holiday video card is here! Jonathan Sacks, Denis Prager, Natan Sharansky and other Jewish leaders around the world have been brought together to share their thoughts, hopes and wishes for the upcoming year.