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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 52% OFF 10 Tiers Shoe Rack

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Video: Why do Jews Celebrate Passover?

The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute and TorahCafé.com are proud to announce the broadcast of their annual Passover Webcast: “How to Exodus in 2011.” This Webcast brings together some of the most captivating, comical and inspiring video ever produced by JLI and TorahCafé. It is truly a not-to-be-missed web event!

PSA: Carrots and Onions – Free for All

Beginning now, 7:00pm, a truck is unloading a number of skids with fresh Carrots and Onions and is being distributed for free for all those who want. The produce is being distributed on East New York Avenue between Kingston and Brooklyn. There is no need to be on any lists, just come and take.

Did you say the ‘Nasi’ Today? (Yom Vov)

From the Safer Haminhagim: [Every day from Rosh Chodesh Nissan until the twelfth of the month, usually after Shacharis,] one reads the passage [from Bamidbar 7-8:4] that describes the offering brought on that day by a particular Nasi, or tribal prince, for the dedication of the altar of the Mishkan. [In common parlance, each day’s passage itself is often referred to as “the Nasi.”] This daily reading is followed by the prayer which opens with the words yehi ratzon (and which appears in Siddur Torah Or [as well as in Siddur Tehillat HaShem, p. 371]). This prayer is recited even by a Kohen or a Levi [despite its seeming relevance only to tribes other than the Tribe of Levi]. [284]

Video: Season of Freedom 1: Preaching and Practicing

Education comes in many forms: First and foremost is to provide a living example. The best way to influence someone is by practicing what you preach. But in order to prevail upon a student to adopt a basic level of good behavior, the educator must show an example many times above the standard, because the student automatically assumes that he can’t be as great as his teacher, who is much older and wiser than he.

Dutch Parliament Likely to Ban Shchitah Next Week


Dutch Parliament in The Hague

Despite protests from Jewish groups and an appeal to Liberal Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Holland is set to ban shechita, the Jewish ritual slaughter of animals following the Socialist party’s decision to support a proposal from the pro-animal party, the world’s first such party to be elected to parliament in 2006.