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InfoDeals Daily Deal – Men’s Slim Fit Suit

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RCE: Estonia Should Represent A Paradigm For Relations Between A European Government And Its Jewish Community

The President gives Rabbi Yaakov Dovid Schmahl and the other rabbonim books of Estonian history during the dark times of the Nazi and Soviet occupations as a momento from their visit to Estonia. Photos by Oleg Loshak.

The Rabbinical Centre of Europe (REC) delegation completed a successful visit to Estonia where they met with the Estonian President, Prime Minister and the Mayor of Tallinn. The delegation also visited the Jewish community, its synagogue, schools and museum. The RCE is an organization dedicated to meeting the needs of Jewish communities in Europe.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Dov Ber Zulauf OBM

We regret to inform you of the passing of Dov Ber Zulauf OBM of Toronto, Canada.

His son Dovid Zulauf will be sitting Shiva from Tues-Friday in Toronto and can be reached at (917) 414-8890 and will sit in CH from Fri-Tues.

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.

PSA: Darchai Menorah Drawing Pushed Off

Due to a mail error, Darchai Menachem auction booklet have only started arriving at homes this past Shabbos. Therefore, the Silver Menorah from Sterling Elite and Car Menorah drawings will be held this Wednesday morning at 11:00 AM., leaving enough time to for the winner pick up his prize for the first Menorah lighting.