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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 74% OFF Mini Drone with Camera – 1080P HD Foldable Drone

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DEAL PRICE: $44.99 (74% OFF)


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Mazal Tov's View More

Weekly Picture of the Rebbe and the Avner Institute would like to present a unique photo of the Rebbe distributing lekach (honey cake) during the month of Tishrei 5734/1973. This photo is presented with special thinks to Mendy Heyward.

NYPD Cooking the Books to Make NYC Appear Safer

NY Daily News

Deputy Inspector Peter Simonetti, Commanding Officer of the 71st Precinct, which is among the precincts accused of downplaying crime.

Two academics at an FBI-sponsored conference Friday will accuse the NYPD of cooking the books to make the city appear safer.

Deadly Silence! – The Torah’s View On Gratitude

By Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Jax, Florida.

Walking in the park, a woman one day stumbled upon a diamond ring. As she reached for her bag to store her precious find, an alms seeking vagabond appeared with an outstretched hand. Yet nothing she offered seemed to satisfy him.

“What do you want,” the woman finally exclaimed. “That’s what I want,” insisted the beggar, pointing to the glimmering little object in her hand.

With little hesitation or ado the woman proceeded to hand the jewel over: “Here,” she said, “It’s all yours.” Unable to thank her enough, the man was soon on his way, but not for long.

A short time later the beggar sought out the woman again. “I wish to return the diamond,” he declared: “It’s not what I want; I seek something far more precious.”

“But what have I to share that is more precious than a diamond,” cried the woman.

“Your giving heart,” said the stranger. “Please teach me the secret behind your giving heart!”

Roving Rabbis in Montreal

Rabbinical students Ephraim Oster and Yisroel Sternbach just completed an intense 2 week visit to Town of Mont Royal, Montreal. Under the guidance of Chabad TMR director Rabbi Moshe Krasnanski they divided their day between appointments with local Jewish businessman and family visitations.