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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 25% OFF TERRO Liquid Ant Killer, 12 Bait Stations

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TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Killer, 12 Bait Stations

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Mazal Tov's View More

Weekly Photographs Bring Teachings Into Focus

by Jessica Naiman –

Rabbi Michoel Ogince points his camera at anything he feels will illustrate Jewish concepts.

Rabbi Michoel Ogince has always had a passion for photography, and when he decided two years ago to fuse his love of the camera with his love for Judaism, he gave birth to what he considers a masterpiece.

MEF Principal Leadership Program Concludes

On Tuesday evening, August 3, the Menachem Education Foundation’s Principal Leadership Program came to a conclusion following 16 full days of leadership training and additional hours of mentoring and collaborative work.

A Double Bar Mitzvah…

By Mayer Gurkov and Mendel Jacobs. Merkos Shluchim to Vernon Hills, IL

A most extraordinary and moving encounter awaited us earlier this afternoon as we entered the seemingly regular law firm in Libertyville, Illinois, where we’ve been spending the past week and a half, searching for Jewish homeowners and business people, seeking to awaken their Jewishness a bit.