A Double Bar Mitzvah…

By Mayer Gurkov and Mendel Jacobs. Merkos Shluchim to Vernon Hills, IL

A most extraordinary and moving encounter awaited us earlier this afternoon as we entered the seemingly regular law firm in Libertyville, Illinois, where we’ve been spending the past week and a half, searching for Jewish homeowners and business people, seeking to awaken their Jewishness a bit.

As we approached and discovered that the attorneys – father and son – were both Jewish, we inquired as to when was the last time they had put on Teffilin. One can imagine how surprised we were to be informed that neither of them had ever done so, the son now 40 years old, and the father 65!

After some persuasion, the pair agreed to each do the Mitzvah for the first time, and to our delight, we were privileged to be the ones assisting them in marking their belated Bar Mitzvahs!

We shared some words of inspiration in preparation for the upcoming new-year, and notified them about the local newly established Chabad center in Vernon Hills, IL, by Rabbi Shimon and Mrs. Rochel Susskind, encouraging them to get involved with the Jewish activities there.

After the conclusion of our very pleasant visit, we headed out further on our search for the towns Jews, but not before we stopped at the nearby liquor store and rejoined our new friends for a special “L’chaim” in honor of this momentous occasion. The remaining staff at the office, Jews and non-Jews alike, were all very happy to participate in the celebration and wish the “Bar-Mitzvah boys” well as they reached this new milestone in their lives.