150 Chabad Educators Gather for Annual Conference

PISCATAWAY, NJ [CHI] — The annual Women’s Chinuch Kinus closed yesterday as conferees boarded busses, airport shuttles, and their cars to resume their regular summer schedules. From California and Washington in the west to Florida and the Carolinas in the south east to Minnesota and Toronto in the north they converged upon the Radisson hotel in Piscataway NJ for 48 hours of pure Chinuch. And they left tiered but smiling.

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Cyclist Struck and Seriously Injured

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A teenage cyclist was struck by a car and seriously injured Wednesday evening. The incident took place on Brooklyn Avenue between Eastern Parkway and Union Street, where a young black teen was hit by an SUV and was knocked unconscious.

Moshiach Is Here (Sort Of)

By Jonathan Mark for the Jewish Week

Moshiach Chudaitov dodges jokes about his uncommon name while bringing money and services to Soviet Jewry.

He’s doing the Messiah’s work, and that’s no joke

Moshiach is here. He gets his mail in Crown Heights, and was blessed, years ago, by the rebbe of Chabad. OK, so he didn’t ride in on a donkey, he drives a Toyota. Such are the perks of modernity.

Sicha of the Rebbe – Parshas Eikev

The Rebbe says:

1. The first words of this week’s Torah portion are, “And it shall be, because you listened to these ordinances of Hashem (G-d)… He will love you, bless you and multiply you…”.

Rashi (an acronym for Reb Shlomo Yitzchaki) points out that the Hebrew word “Eikev” which is simply translated in this verse as “because”, also means “heel”. Consequently, explains Rashi, the verse is alluding to the sort of Mitzvos (commandments) that people regard as relatively unimportant so they tend to “trample on them with their heels”. Thus, the Torah is assuring the Jewish people that if they are careful to observe even these neglected commandments, they can be certain that Hashem will reward them with His kindness.

Eating Disorders, A Hidden Problem for Orthodox Jews

One in 19 Orthodox Jewish teenage girls in Brooklyn have an eating disorder, according to a study by eating disorder expert Dr. Ira Sacker. “It could no longer be swept under the rug” said Adrienne Ressler, a training director at a center which treats Orthodox Jewish eating disorder patients.

Suspected Nazi Charged with Gruesome Crimes

BERLIN [AP] — The world’s third most wanted Nazi suspect was involved in the entire process of killing Jews at the Belzec death camp: from taking victims from trains to pushing them into gas chambers to throwing corpses into mass graves, a German court said Thursday.

Kehot Releases Special Tribute to Teachers and Educators

Kehot released a new book titled, “The Educator’s Privilege.” It is a special tribute to teachers and educators. The significance of Jewish education and the privilege of engaging in the educational calling.

A Great Way to Commemorate Chof Av

Chof Av is the Yom Hilulah of the Rebbe’s father, Reb Levi Yitzchak.

Reb Levik and Rebbetzin Chana risked a lot and toiled greatly to make sure that Reb Levik’s novel insights in Torah would be preserved.Thanks to their perseverance we have Toras Levi Yitzchak, and learning it will most assuredly give nachas to his Neshama.

Blind Date: Two Jews, Two Phones, One Torah

By Dvora Lakein for Lubavitch.com

Rabbi Yehuda Dukes at JNet Headquarters in New York.

Sanford Rosenthal surfs the web using a talking computer. To find matching clothes each morning, he feels the Braille labels on his shirts. His cell phone announces the number of the caller who is trying to reach him.

Weekly Unique Picture of the Rebbe!

CrownHeights.info and the Avner Institute would like to present a newly released photo of the Rebbe entering a farbrengen in the winter of 1975. Special thanks to Rabbi Shlomo Friedman, member of Lubavitch Youth Organization and director of Yad L’Shliach, an organization dedicated to helping the Rebbe’s emissaries worldwide.

Important Message to the Residents of the Catskills

To all our honored Jewish brethren residing in the Catskill region and beyond, sheyichyu;

The quality of medical care in the Catskill region is unfortunately not on the level of care that you are accustomed to in the city. Certain medical capabilities and treatments are just not available in the local community hospitals (as is well known both inside and outside our communities) and frequently results in delay of proper care.