9 Days Begin


“When Av begins, we diminish [our] rejoicing” (Talmud, Taanit 26b).

On the 1st of Av, “The Three Weeks” mourning period over the destruction of the Holy Temple–which began 13 days earlier on Tammuz 17–enters an intensified stage. During “The Nine Days” from Av 1st to the Ninth of Av, a heightened degree of mourning is observed, including abstention from meat and wine, music, bathing for pleasure, and other joyous and enjoyable activities. (The particular mourning customs vary from community to community, so consult a competent Halachic authority for details).

Consumption of meat and wine is permitted on Shabbat, or at a Seudat Mitzvah (obligatory festive meal celebrating the fulfillment of a mitzvah) such as a Bris (circumcision), or a “Siyum” celebrating the completion of a course of Torah study (i.e., a complete Talmudic tractate). The Lubavitcher Rebbe initiated the custom of conducting or participating in a Siyum on each of the Nine Days (even if one does not avail oneself of the dispensation to eat meat).

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Empire Kosher Buys Shuk

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — CrownHeights.info has learned that the sale of the Shuk was made final today. Itzik Benabou, owner of Kol-Tuv and Empire Kosher is the winning bidder, he now owns another supermarket in Crown Heights.

Seattle Jewish Day School Secures $3.5 Million Property


The new Maple Leaf property for the Menachem Mendel Seattle Cheder Day School.

SEATTLE, WA — A Jewish day school near the University of Washington has left the Chabad center it has called home for the last 35 years, for a bigger and greener learning environment. “We’re going to move from having skinned knees to having grass stains,” said Rabbi Yossi Charytan, head of the Menachem Mendel Seattle Cheder Day School.

Vote for the Rebbe for Jewish Hall of Fame

The Rebbe is on the National Museum of American Jewish History’s online poll for Jewish figures who will appear on their new $150 million building is set to open on Philadelphia’s Independence Mall in the fall of 2010.

Upcoming Live Siyumim on Chabad.org

Chabad.org will be offering live siyumim, by a variety of well-known and dynamic speakers, throughout the Nine Days. The Rebbe spoke of the need to shine a beacon of light on these days of darkness through participation in a siyum, and encouraged the use of radio to allow those outside the room to participate too, multiplying the a thousand-fold.

Participate online at www.chabad.org/siyum


Orlando Welcomes its Newest Chabad Shluchim!

By Cathleen Manville for the Orlando Judaism Examiner

Rabbi Yanky and Chanshy Majesky of North Orlando

Chabad, which is a Hebrew acronym meaning “wisdom, understanding, and knowledge,” is a philosophy, a movement, and an international organization all rolled into one. Chabad has already sent over 4,000 emissary families all over the world to provide Jewish education and community to the far reaches of the globe. Here in Orlando, we are already fortunate enough to have 3 emissaries, or “shluchim”: The Chabad of Greater Orlando in Maitland, the Chabad of South Orlando near Universal Studios, and the Chabad at UCF in Oviedo. Well now the greater Orlando area can count itself even luckier as we welcome our fourth Chabad center! As we speak, the Chabad of North Orlando is settling into Sanford, FL to provide the northeast corner of the Orlando Metro area with another center for Jewish learning and living.

Chabad at Vanderbilt University Completes a Second Year

By David Glazer – Meharry Medical College

NASHVILLE, TN [CHI] — Chabad at Vanderbilt University under the direction of Rabbi Shlomo and Nechama Rothstein just finished an amazing school year replete with everything a Jewish student could dream imaginable from the weekly Shabbat dinners to social events to classes that match every Jewish student’s interest. Junior Allan Safdie says “It was another wonderful year of Jewish activities and it was SO much fun! Chabad does so much work and seemingly impossible, it keeps getting better and better every semester!”

Australian Chabad School First to Integrate Cybersmart


Illustration Photo

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA — Cybersmart, the first national cybersafety education initiative of its kind, was launched July 13, at Chabad’s Beth Rivkah Ladies College of Melbourne. An interactive website designed to keep kids safe when using the internet, Cybersmart was provided by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).