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The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Shemos

By Shalom Goldberg

The Rebbe says:

1. During it’s description of the horrible Egyptian exile, the Torah says, “They embittered their lives with hard work, with mortar and with bricks…”.

2. The Rebbe analyzes this:

The true life of a Jew is not his physical life; it is his spiritual life. Therefore, when the Torah says that the Egyptians embittered the lives of the Jewish people it must also be referring to their spiritual lives, their true life.

3. The Rebbe now questions this:

Recording of a Beautiful Yechidus with the Rebbe in 1982

The Avner Institute is happy to present an audio recorded yechidus that Reb Zalmon Jaffe–author of My Encounters with the Rebbe–and his wife Roselyn had with the Rebbe after mincha, Sivan 16, 5742 (1982), in Gan Eden Hatachton (the area right outside the Rebbe’s office). Below is the audio recording. To learn more about the Rebbe Visit:

<%FlashMP3(5742-09-16 Yechidus Zalman Jaffe.mp3)%> 10 Minutes 49 Seconds

Present: Yechidus of Zalman and Roselyn Jaffe (of Manchester, England), after mincha, Sivan 16, 5742 (1982), in Gan Eden Hatachton (the area outside the Rebbe’s study).

Full transcript in the Extended Article!

Op-Ed: Rejecting Bail Denies Equal Protection

American Jews, beware. If you run afoul of the Justice Department, your chances for bail are slim to none. That’s the new legal concept created by the office of U.S. Attorney Matt Dummermuth in northern Iowa. The policy singles out Jews as a special category to be denied bail due to Israel’s “Law of Return.”

The Israeli law provides citizenship to any Jew immigrating to the country. It’s much like the asylum clause in U.S. immigration law, designed to offer refuge to Jews fleeing oppressive regimes. It’s never been used to give haven to American criminals. The United States and Israel have an active extradition treaty. Routinely, accused criminals are sent from one country to another.

It’s not too late to join the Yud Shevat Hachana!

1. Join hundreds of Yaldei Hashluchim and Tzeirei Hashluchim throughout the world and take part in a hachana contest for Yud Shevat.

Fill out your daily checklists for a chance to win great prizes each week you participate.

Visit to find out more or register.

Please say Tehilim for Israelis Injured in Gaza War

In the Extended Article is a list of names of the injured soldiers and civilians who were injured by the Kassam attacks in the past days and are still hospitalized in various hospitals. It is our fervent prayer that the list the list only gets shorter as a result of their complete and speedy recoveries.

Click the Extended Article for Names and Tehilim

Jet crashes into Hudson River, All Onboard Survive


NEW YORK, NY — A US Airways plane with 151 people on board crashed into the Hudson River on the west side of Manhattan Thursday afternoon, sending passengers fleeing for safety in the frigid waters and startling thousands of New Yorkers.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg said all passengers were rescued safely from the crash.

More pictures and a video in the Extended Article.

Alternate Side Parking Rules Suspended Friday

The New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) in conjunction with the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) today announced the suspension of Alternate Side Parking (ASP) regulations citywide for Friday, January 16 to facilitate snow removal. However, parking meters will remain in effect throughout the City.

For updated information, visit the DOT Web site at or call 311.

Click here for the new, 2009 Alternate Side Parking Regulations Suspension Calendar

Photo Gallery: A Trip to the Gaza Border, or Pretty Close to it

A personal account from Webby as he took these photos.

SDEROT, Israel [CHI] — Amid bursts of artillery fire followed by the thunder of heavy bombing, throngs of reporters flanked by course onlookers came to observe the Israel Defense Forces offensive in Gaza. This was the scene at the ‘Reporters Hill’ less than one kilometer away from the border.

More pictures in the Extended Article! (By Webby)

Hundreds Attend Mumbai Lecture

WESTLAKE, CA — Dennis Prager addressed a crowd of over 800 people at the Hyatt Westlake Plaza Hotel in Westlake Village, CA. The lecture focused on the terrorist attack in Mumbai, India, that took the lives of Rabbi Gavriel and Rivkah Holtzberg obm. Prager also strongly defended the use of force in Gaza and underlined the principle of peace only coming through strength.

Yagdil Torah Beis Midrash Starts Strong

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Heeding the call of the Rebbeim that “Torah study ought to take place in the Beis Midrash specifically”, Yagdil Torah’s Thursday night Beis Midrash program launched in Kollel Menachem with over 40 participants.

Soldiers Turn to Secret Weapon: Jewish Spirituality

By Matthew Wagner for the Jerusalem Post

GAZA — Two soldiers made their way through the winding streets of Gaza City, carefully watching for booby traps. Their objective was to hunt down Hamas terrorists and locate caches of Kassam and Grad rockets and other arms.

As they deliberated whether to turn left or right at an intersection, a woman dressed from head to foot in black appeared from out of nowhere.

The Rebbe’s Room – No One There, but This Place Is Far From Empty

By Alan Feuer for the New York Times

CROWN HEIGHTS — According to the sages, sanctity lingers. “Holiness,” the Talmud says, “does not depart its place.”

There are many places holy to Jews — the Western Wall and Joseph’s Tomb among them — but one of the plainest and least-known is the empty ground-floor study on your left just inside Lubavitch World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn.