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Op-Ed: The Moshiach Controversy

A note to the reader: The letter below was originally written to explain this subject matter to my own son. Now I have been persuaded to make it public. I do not intend for this to be a polemic against a particular ideology. Rather, my intention is to help those thoughtful individuals who have open minds and are sincerely seeking for a way to understand and deal with the Moshiach issue.

If you don’t fit this description please don’t read further. I am also refraining from identifying myself as the author in order not to divert attention from the ideas and arguments themselves. I will instead rely on the dictum “Kabail Es HoEmes Mimi Sheomro.”

My Dear Son,

Last night I received a very good report about you from the Menahel of your Yeshiva. I am delighted that you are taking your learning more seriously and that you are focusing on absorbing Darkay HaChassidus. May it be His will that you continue to make good progress.
You asked me to explain to you my view of the controversial Moshiach issue in Lubavitch since you and many Bochurim in your Yeshiva are confused about the matter and feel very uncomfortable about it. After the report I received I decided not to wait until you come home but to spend the time and write this letter to you with my thoughts on the matter.

CH Softball Playoffs Begin Tonight, Come Watch!

Tonight, Tuesday September 2nd 2008 the Red Heifers and the Hebrew Hammers square on the opening game of the playoffs (check for the full schedule) the league would like to invite everyone to come and watch it is on on very entertaining and easy way to teach you children about the game of baseball or just to spend quality time with the kids.

Opening the game will be sponsors Sholom Laine of The Print House and Mendy Ganzburg of Landmark Funding who will be throwing out the first pitch.

The game takes place in the ‘St. Johns Recreation’ located on Troy Avenue on the corner of Dean Street. 5 blocks north of Eastern Parkway, tonight, Tuesday at 7:45pm

Aleph Institutes Urgent Appeal


No one wants to be away from their families on Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur, and all of us would prefer to be in 770 or at the Ohel, or even earn some extra income by another Shliach, and The Aleph Institute understands that. Yet, the future of Aleph’s programs is dependent upon us sending out a full force of bochurim to visit Jews in prison this Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and we are appealing to you to volunteer.

Unless we meet the Bureau of Prisons challenge to impact the prison system with a widespread visitation program for the High Holidays, thousands of Jewish inmates will have their right to practice Judaism severely impaired. The Rebbe’s directive to visit and care for every Jew in every prison is every bochur’s responsibility to fulfill, and you are needed now more than ever.

A Calm Labor Day in Crown Heights

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Tens of thousands descended on Crown Heights for the annual West Indian American Day parade. The parade brings on dread for what is to come amongst Jewish resident, many of whom avoid returning from summer vacation until after the festivities.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Ethan Bortnick to Co-Host the Chabad Telethon!

With our presidential and vice-presidential candidates getting younger – why not follow the trend? Ethan Bortnick, age 7, will be a co-host for the Chabad Telethon. Ethan is a gifted musician and composer who at 7 years old has quite impressive accomplishment record!

Lessons in Tanya, a Favorite among Stars

In a recent publication of the ‘Glamour’ magazine, which reaches over 12 million woman, a column titled “what was the last great book you read?” Daniel Gabbay, a photographer to the stars answered “Lessons in Tanya: The Tanya of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, a Kabbalah guide.” He added “its like eye glasses, it makes life look different”.

Chabad on hand for the 2008 Paralypics

BEIJING, China [CHI] — In a few days the Paralympics 2008 games will begin and once again Chabad Beijing is servicing the needs of all the Jewish Athletes in the Paralympic village bringing them kosher food, Tefillin, Shofar and any anything else they might need.

More in the Extended Article!

Man’s Body Found After 1-week Search

Ventura County Star

Search teams found the body of Anatoly (Naftoli) Smolyansky in Lake Piru on Monday, a week after he jumped into the water after his daughter and drowned.

Smolyansky, 39, of Los Angeles, and his family were in a boat on Lake Piru on the evening of Aug. 25 when his 5-year-old daughter fell overboard. Witnesses said he jumped in to rescue her and sank into the water as he was pushing her back toward the boat. He was presumed dead shortly afterward.