Michlelet Morasha Seminary Closes its Doors

JERUSALEM, Israel [CHI] — After just two years Michlelet Morasha, a Chabad girl’s seminary in Jerusalem closed its doors amid financial difficulties. In an email sent to parents a few days ago the administrations blamed its financial woes on the fall of the value of the American dollar along with changes to the way ‘MASA’ grants were given and the inability of parents to pay full tuition.

This email comes just weeks before the start of the school year, sending parents scrambling for alternatives. In the email the Education administrator wrote that “any student who is interested in attending any other seminary, I will be happy to help with giving a recommendation.”

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Elderly Man found near Home

Record Online

WOODRIDGE — An elderly man who was missing for nearly 16 hours was found late Tuesday morning sitting near a lake, one mile away from his family’s summer home in the Village of Woodridge.

Yankel “Jacob” Salamon, who is about 90 years old, wandered from the Woodlake Village housing complex about 7:30 Monday night. Salamon has dementia, and his family believes he walked away to find the nearest temple. His desire to worship — even when temples are closed — has increased since his diagnosis, they said.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Brooklyn Marks Crown Heights Riot Anniversary

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [NY1] — On Tuesday, Brooklyn marked the 17th anniversary of the Crown Heights riots, one of its darkest episodes.

The violence was sparked by the death of a seven-year-old black boy, Gavin Cato, who was hit by a car driven by a Hasidic Jew.

When it was over, 29-year-old rabbinical student Yankel Rosenbaum was dead.

Hakhel and the Children’s Sefer Torah

The last two commandments in the Torah are Hakhel and the need to write a Sefer Torah, indicating a connection between the two. For this reason, with regard to the upcoming year of Hakhel, the Children’s Sefer Torah Committee has decided to launch a registration campaign to increase the number of letters purchased in the Sefer Torah.

180,121 letters still remain to be sold before the fifth Sefer Torah is completed. Since the completion of the first Sefer Torah in 5741, around 40,000 children buy letters each year, which is close to 3,500 children per month.

15 Schools and 8 Countries Unite at Gan Israel Lubavitch Day Camp!

LONDON, England [CHI] — Gan Israel Lubvaitch Day Camp is renowned for the amazing atmosphere, the Torah experience and packed program, where Yiddishkeit is brought to life in fun and original ways.

Camp was bigger and better than ever this year, with 350 children enrolled from 15 different schools across London! Camp ran for three weeks.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Op-Ed: Cell Phones in Yeshiva: a Demand for Accountability

by Yanky Nemon

The word is out that Lubavitch Yeshivas will not allow their bochurim to have cell phones beginning this year. The roshei yeshivos have banded together to ensure every bochur “exclusively dedicate(s himself) to spiritual pursuits and distance(s) himself from any and all distraction.” They announced the new ban to be rid of “a piece of equipment what can potentially undermine everything we stand for.”

Just like the bochurim headed off to yeshiva in a few weeks who are surely questioning the smarts of their roshei yeshiva, perhaps it’s important for the general community to ask the roshei yeshivos if they’re sure of the benefits that they allege this will provide. And that they’re prepared for the consequences and eventualities that this will no doubt cause.

Chabad of West Hempstead Launches Friendship 1000

by Ben Sherman

WEST HEMPSTEAD, NY [CHI] — Rabbis, CEO’s and web programmers gathered yesterday in the offices of Invision CA in Redondo Beach for the launch of www.Friendship1000.com.

The site hopes to show families and children with special needs that people care. The Friendship Circle of West Hempstead has been sending volunteers to the homes of and offering many programs to children with special needs, as well as offering parents the much needed respite. The friendship Circle is not about therapy or doctors, it’s all about friendship and love.