JERUSALEM, Israel [CHI] — After just two years Michlelet Morasha, a Chabad girl’s seminary in Jerusalem closed its doors amid financial difficulties. In an email sent to parents a few days ago the administrations blamed its financial woes on the fall of the value of the American dollar along with changes to the way ‘MASA’ grants were given and the inability of parents to pay full tuition.
This email comes just weeks before the start of the school year, sending parents scrambling for alternatives. In the email the Education administrator wrote that “any student who is interested in attending any other seminary, I will be happy to help with giving a recommendation.”
Michlelet Morasha Seminary Closes its Doors
JERUSALEM, Israel [CHI] — After just two years Michlelet Morasha, a Chabad girl’s seminary in Jerusalem closed its doors amid financial difficulties. In an email sent to parents a few days ago the administrations blamed its financial woes on the fall of the value of the American dollar along with changes to the way ‘MASA’ grants were given and the inability of parents to pay full tuition.
This email comes just weeks before the start of the school year, sending parents scrambling for alternatives. In the email the Education administrator wrote that “any student who is interested in attending any other seminary, I will be happy to help with giving a recommendation.”