Photo Gallery: Seudas Moshiach in 770!

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — The last day of Passover (“Acharon Shel Pesach”) is particularly associated with Moshiach and the future redemption. The Baal Shem Tov instituted the custom of partaking of a “Seudas Moshiach” (Moshiachs Meal) on the afternoon of the last day of Passover; in addition to the Matzah eaten at “Seudas Moshiach”, the Rebbes of Chabad added the custom of drinking four cups of wine, as in the Seder held on Passover’s first days.

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Builder Flees & 40 Hasidic Families Face Eviction in Brooklyn Swindle

William Sherman – NY Daily News

The article as it appears on the home page of the Daily News

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn — More than 40 Brooklyn families face eviction and foreclosure on condos they bought from a developer who pulled off a massive swindle and then fled the country.

The families, all Hasidim from Crown Heights, paid developer Eliyahu Ezagui – one of their own – for the apartments before they were built at two sites: 770 Lefferts Ave. and 613 East New York Ave.

Clergy Panel in Debate over Styles of Outreach

Elaine Durbach – NJ Jewish News

From left, Cantor Matthew Axelord of Congregation Beth Israel, Rabbi Doug Sagal of Temple Emanu-El, and Rabbi Aryeh Stechler of Congregation Anshe Chesed discussed the challenges facing their various congregations at a community forum at Temple Emanu-El. Photos by Steve Chernela

The goal is not just “to get more Jews in the pews,” according to the panelists at a forum on the future of the Jewish community.

With careful cordiality but often conflicting views, clergy representing the three largest denominations outlined their views on how to keep existing members while also reaching out to new ones.

Passover Supplies Reach Nepal Destinations in the Nick of Time

Joshua Runyan –

A group of backpackers in Thailand learn about Passover in the days leading up to the Seder.

KATHMANDU, Nepal — After being stuck at the Indian border, most of the Passover supplies destined for two Chabad-led Seders in Nepal arrived in time for the celebrations, albeit a tad late and decreased in size.