Baruch Dayan HoEmes – Mrs. Eva Baron OBM

With sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Eva Baron (Rockville, MD), Thursday evening, she was 92. She was the mother of Mrs. Chana Rachel Schusterman of Los Angeles, CA.

The funeral will take place Sunday at 11:00 AM at Mount Carmel Cemetery, 83-45 Cypress Hills Street, Glendale, NY 11385, (MAP)

Mrs. Chana Rachel Schusterman will be sitting Shiva in Crown Heights from Sunday evening 7:00 PM through Monday night, at 750 Eastern Pkwy, [bet Kingston and Brooklyn Ave].

Upon her return to Los Angeles, CA Tuesday afternoon, she will be continuing Shiva at her home 126 N. Fuller Avenue, Los Angeles, CA. She will finish Shiva by the end of the week.

Condolences can be sent to her at via email, or her cell phone (323) 697-8094.

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Firefighter Dies Battling a High-rise Blaze

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Tragedy befell FDNY’s Engine Company 249, when a member of their company, Lt. John H. Martinson, an 18 year veteran collapsed while climbing the stairs to the 14th floor of the Ebbets Field housing complex where a fire was raging in apartment there.

Members of Engine Co. 249 were responding to the calls of a woman trapped along with her children on the balcony of her apartment. Lt. Martinson collapsed on the 13th floor after suffering a heart attack while climbing the stairs.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Gentile Lubavitcher Refused Conversion

Matthew Wagner – The Jerusalem Post

If you believe that a dead man is the messiah, does that disqualify you from converting to Judaism?

Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Amar will be asked to decide this weighty theological question and in the process pass judgment on thousands of members of the messianic stream within Chabad Hassidism who believe that Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who passed away in 1994, is the messiah.

About two weeks ago a young FSU immigrant to Israel, who was eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return but was not considered Jewish according to halacha, appeared before a rabbinic court in Jerusalem to convert to Judaism.

Arizona Girl’s CGI Winter Camp

ORACLE, AZ [CHI] — Once a year the children of international Shluchim have the opportunity to join together to acquire strength and vitality to take back home and continue their unbelievable work in spreading Judaism world wide. The vibes of energy passing through Oracle, Arizona are not able to be described.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

The Weekly Sedra – Va’eira – Unholy Tolerance

Rabbi Yossi Kahanov Shliach to Jacksonville, FL

Once, when Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev was traveling in search of a new community in which to relocate with his Chassidim, he and his followers arrived at a particular village. Among others, this town seemed to holdout potential as a possible home for his growing Chassidic sect. But, as it turned out, the townsfolk had other ideas.

In a not-so-subtle display of emotions, the locals gathered to greet their prospective new neighbors with a generous pelting of raw eggs. Upon witnessing this, the tzaddik turned to his entourage and said: “Ah! This is where we shall stay.”

In response to their dumbfound reaction, he added, “At least the people here cannot be accused of being apathetic. They possess true enthusiasm for their cause. . . I find this rather appealing.”

Inscribing Torah is a Labor of Love

Tatiana Zarnowski – Daily Gazette

Rabbi Mendel Serebranski holds a Torah at the Chadbad Center in Saratoga Springs on Wednesday.

SARATOGA SPRINGS, NY — Rabbi Mendel Serebranski bent over the parchment, his feather pen scratching audibly as he inked each letter from right to left.

He glanced at a copy book pinned under his left elbow for the next letter.

Learning Network Connects Jews Around the World

Mimi Notik –

Joshua May, left, learns Torah from his home in Barrow-in-Furness, England, with the help of Philadelphia-based Rabbi Yerachmiel Galinsky.

BROOKLYN, NY — The first time that Shirley Marrable lit Shabbat candles, she was unsure if she was doing everything right. Though she was born Jewish, the 45-year-old Northampton, England native had been raised Catholic and grew up in a world of church-based services and bible studies, completely uninformed about her Jewish roots. When she stood in front of the candles and stumbled over the Hebrew blessings, she wondered what her children ñ who both attended church ñ were thinking of their mother’s embrace of her long lost identity.