Answer of the Rebbe: “Why do Bad things Happen to Good people?”
In regards to the terrible tragedy that accrued today to the parents of my sister in law Pessa Kirschenbaum, Reb Zev and his wife Rochel Simons two very Special Neshamas that were taken from this world in a Terrible car accident, I would like to present an answer the Rebbe gave to parents of a young girl Miriam, who at six years old was killed in a car accident in Berkley, California (Erev Pesach 1989). Following the death, the parents wrote a long letter to the Rebbe with many different questions regarding the nature of these types of tragedies. The Rebbe’s response did more than comfort – it provided a new focus to the mourning family. Also included is interesting picture of the Rebbe. The Rebbe attending a funeral in the winter of 1991. to see more on the subject Click Here
1. A person cannot say with certainty that he clearly knows Hashem’s intentions, (except for a prophet who was instructed by Hashem to reveal it).
The answer continued in the Extended Article.