Hey Teves: The Rebbe, a Bochur, and Eli Weisel

“The lawyer asked ”My second question is about the books that your father used in his study. Are those books your father’s or they belong to the Chassidim? The Rebbetzin replied “It belongs to the Chassidim because my father belonged to the Chassidim”.

from the Rebbetzin’s testimony

In honor of the twenty first anniversary of Hey Taves, we would like to present the following accounts that are related to the events that led to the Rebbe’s library being returned to the Chassidim. To see more on this subject Click Here.

The lawyers who represented the Rebbe met with the Rebbe before the actual case.

The following is a part of what was discussed in this first meeting:

Continued in the Extended Article!

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FJC Brings Chanukah to Rural Communities of Western Ukraine

ZHITOMIR, Ukraine –- This year, Ukraine saw the largest comprehensive initiative effort ever aimed at spreading Chanukah light to rural Jews and those otherwise hard to reach due to extenuating circumstances. For this holiday period, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine simultaneously carried out initiatives aimed at dispersing light to reach as many Jews, as far and effectively as possible.

Chabad Rabbi Extols New and Creative Ways to Involve Children

Journal Star News

PEORIA, IL – A towering, 7-foot-tall menorah made from 4,000 Lego pieces was built Sunday afternoon as the highlight of Peoria’s annual Hanukah celebration, but lighting it will have to wait.

“We’re always looking for new, creative ideas on how to get the children involved,” said Rabbi Eli Langsam of the Chabad of Peoria. “We decided to do something really exciting to get kids involved so they can see their work and appreciate the holiday.”

The Weekly Sedra – VaYigash – A Time To Cry, A Time To Act

Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Shliach to Jacksonville, FL

The unmistakable echo of hulking walking boots pounding pavement, was enough to strike terror into the hearts of the small band of Chassidim gathered in a dimly lit basement in the Russian city of Samarkant.

The purpose of the gathering was a “Farbrengen,” a Chassidic get-together meant to encourage and inspire one another in the pursuit of spirituality and divine service. Such gatherings were obviously utterly outlawed in communist Russia and punishable by unthinkable penalty.

As the Farbrengen lingered into the wee hours of the night the discussion was heightened and the atmosphere intense. A number of younger Chassidim were weeping bitterly as they poured out their hearts to the presiding Mashpia (spiritual mentor) regarding their deficient spiritual state.

Chanucah Gifts for English Servicemen

MANCHESTER, England [CHI] — Jewish armed forces members will be able to celebrate Chanucah – thanks to South Manchester Lubavitch.

The Jewish Committee for Her Majesty’s Forces has reinstated the practice of gifts for personnel serving away from home.

Video of the Day! – A 25 Foot Menorah in Riverdale!

Con Edison, New York City’s utility company, co-sponsored a giant menorah in the Riverdale section of the Bronx this year. The company supplied a truck and two workers to give Rabbi Levi Shemtov a ride to the top of the 25-foot structure.

Neighborhood Marks Hanukkah


Sid Hellman lights a 9-foot-tall menorah Sunday in Rochel Rubin’s yard in the Luther Forest neighborhood in Malta.

MALTA, NY — Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, is a remembrance of what a small group of people can do when they come together through faith.