Chabad to Bring Chanukah Light to Recovering Substance Abusers

R. C. Berman –

READING, PA — When Jewish substance abusers in recovery receive permission to light up, it’s usually a cigarette – one of the few vices allowed in treatment centers – they think of.

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Women’s Only Shabbat a Source of Community for Students

Tamar Runyan –

NASHVILLE, TN — When Nechama Rothstein arrived as a new Chabad-Lubavitch emissary to Nashville, Tenn., last week, her husband, Rabbi Shlomo Rothstein, soon left for New York to attend the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries. In typical fashion, she saw his absence for the first Shabbat as an opportunity to reach out to local college students: Instead of preparing for a quiet family affair with her 10-month-old Mendel, she had another idea.

A Weekend of Giving Thanks and Sharing Insight

The hiking trails at Running Springs provide spectacular views of the S. Bernardino Mountain range. (Photo:

RUNNING SPRINGS, CA — As the cooler temperatures of late November arrive, Chabad’s magnificent mountaintop campus will welcome people from all over the West Coast as they converge on Running Springs to participate in the West Coast Chabad Jewish Retreat.

RCCS Comes to the Rescue in Crown Heights

BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society (known as RCCS) is operating in the community of Crown Heights and provides for a litany of needs for cancer patients. Unfortunately, in the last couple of months, Crown Heights has seen a dramatic increase of cancer cases.

RCCS, a Brooklyn based not-for-profit organization, helps cancer patients pay for medical insurance and provides research for treatments. It was founded after requests were made in the community for such an organization.

Video of the Day – the Shluchim Roll-Call

NEW YORK, NY [CHI] — One of the high points in each years banquet is the roll-call, where the Vice Chairman of Merkos Linyonei Chinuch Reb Moshe Kotlarsky announces all the states and countries which Chabad currently has Shluchim. The roll-call is very enjoyable for you can see Chabad reach around the world!

Vorchheimer’s Attackers Plead Guilty

Michael Benjamin – Australian Jewish News
On the left Menachem Vorchheimer after the assault. On the right Simon Christian, one of three men charged over an alleged race hate attack leaves court.

MELBOURNE, Australia — Two more footballers have pleaded guilty to verbally assaulting Menachem Vorchheimer as he walked home from synagogue in October last year.

After a number of lengthy adjournments, James Dalton and Matthew Cuthbert appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on Monday morning to answer a range of charges. They will return to court for sentencing on Thursday.

The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Vayeitzei

The Rebbe says:

1. This week’s Torah portion begins with saying, “And Yakov (Jacob) left Be’er Sheva and went to Charan” .

To be sure, this verse is actually repeating something we already knew from the end of last week’s Torah portion .

2. The Rebbe points out that the Torah must be teaching us something by telling us this twice:

In the Torah everything is exact. In fact, our Sages learn out many Halachas (Laws) from one extra letter in the Torah. Therefore, if the Torah repeats this story twice, it must be teaching us something that we can implement into our daily life. Let us find out what the Torah is teaching us:

Video of the Day – the Weekly Living Torah Clip

This weeks Living Torah, titled “Anatomy of a Miracle” (Volume 42, Episode 166).

Living Torah is a member supported project Become a member today at

Available in Hebrew, French and Russian in the Extended Article.

Police Council Meeting TONIGHT!

Tonight, Thursday November 15, at 7:30pm, there is a Police Council Meeting which is held once a month and is open to all residents to come and voice any concern or complaint they you may have to Deputy Inspector Frank Vega.

The meeting takes place in the IS 61/MS 61 (the public school) which is located on Empire and New York (diagonally across from the police station).

Make your voice heard, attend the meeting!

Lubavitch Lay Leaders Gather in New York for Their Own Conference

Goldy Cohen –

Lay leaders from Chabad Houses across the world gather at a New York hotel for a session in conjunction with last weekís International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries. Photo Israel Bardugo.

NEW YORK, NY — “My rabbi is magic,” exclaimed Wirley Weiler at the lay leadership portion of the International Conference for Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries on Sunday.