Another Fire in 1650 President Street

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — A fire broke out today at around 12:30pm in the building, 1650 President St. between Utica and Schenectady. This comes just a short five days after the blaze that broke out on the second floor, this past Motzoai Shabbos.

This incident took place in an apartment in the rear of the building on the first floor, the fire took place in one of the bedrooms. Firefighters put out the flames, but the fire caused significant damage. B”H there was no injuries.

More pictures in the extended Article.

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Baruch Dayan HaEmes – Devorah Steinmetz OBM

Photo: Shturem

With sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Devorah Steinmetz devoted director of the Crown Heights Bikkur Cholim for many years and wife of Rabbi Zvi Meir (Zvi Yair) Steinmetz OBM. She passed away at 6:00am this morning and was 88 years old.

She is survived by her daughters Yibadlu Lechaim Tovim Mrs. Judy Lazar (Milan, Italy), Mrs. Rochel Yaffe and Mrs. Esther Tauber.

The levayah will be today and leave Shomrei Hadas at 1:30pm, and pass 770 at 2:00pm

Boruch Dayan HaEmes

NEW: The Weekly Parsha Comic!

<%image(Parasha Pesukim/Acharei-Mos-16-10.jpg|350|157|)%>

16-10: And the he goat upon which the lot “For Azazel” came up, shall be placed while still alive, before the Lord, to [initiate] atonement upon it, and to send it away to Azazel, into the desert.

In a new and innovative idea will begin bringing you, in addition to the weekly Parshat HaShavuah articles, a comic based on a single idea from the week’s Parsha.

We would like readers to submit to us feedback using the comments system, letting us know what you think of this new idea and how we implement it. This is a pilot idea, and if the response is positive and strong enough we can look forward to seeing one each week! So please take a minute and share your thoughts with us.

A Little Bit of Light will Dispel a Great Deal of Darkness

After we published the disturbing article from the St. Louise Jewish Light, we have received tremendous response criticizing Rabbi Bruce Warshal for his article. One of the responses published by the Jewish Lights was from the local Chabad Shliach Rabbi Yosef Landa, Director of Chabad of Greater St. Louis.

by Rabbi Yosef Landa – St. Louise Jewish Light

I am gratified by the outpouring of support which was directed to my colleagues and myself since the appearance of the extremely offensive commentary by Rabbi Bruce Warshal of South Florida in the St. Louis Jewish Light of March 21, 2007. I am thankful to the many people who have written to the editor expressing their dismay and outrage at the Warshal piece, and at the Light’s decision to publish it — a misguided decision that compromised truthfulness, fairness and responsibility for the sake of crass sensationalism.

The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Acharei Mos

The Rebbe says:

1. The first Verse of Parshas Acharei Mos says “Vah’yi’da’bear Hashem El Moshe Acharei Mos Shnei B’nay Aharon B’kar’va’sam Leefnay Hashem Va’ya’moo’soo – And Hashem spoke to Moshe after the death of two sons of Aharon who brought an (unauthorized) offering before Hashem and they died”.

2. The Rebbe now questions the need for the last word in this verse:

Question: If the Verse already told us that Hashem is speaking to Moshe Rabbeinu (Moshe our teacher) after the death of two of Aharons children, why does the Verse conclude by repeating that the 2 children of Aharon died?

Proposed Water Bill Increase Is Criticized

By Daryl Khan – New York Times

Queens, NY — Officials and city residents yesterday criticized a proposed 11.5 percent increase in city water and sewer bills.

In the first of five public hearings scheduled to take place over three days, speakers told the New York City Water Board, which sets the rates for the city, that the increase would hurt working families, especially those on fixed incomes. “The senior citizens are going to be in trouble,” Nancy DiCroce, 76, of Howard Beach, said at the meeting, which was held at the city’s Department of Environmental Protection office in Flushing.

Yeltsin Gave Russia Real Religious Freedom
Russian Berel Lazar greets the President Boris
Yeltsin at the opening of the Memorial Synagogue
at Poklonnaya Gora in Moscow. September 1998

Moscow, Russia — The Chief of Russia Rabbi Berel Lazar sent his condolences to the widow and daughters of the first Russian president Boris Yeltsin who died on Monday.

‘Your husband and father has won a special place in the memory of Russian people of all faith and ethnicities as the first president of the independent and free Russia and as a man who laid the foundations of the civil society in our country,’ the rabbi said.

The Russian Jewish community ‘is and will be especially grateful to Boris Yeltsin,’ the rabbi added.