Chabad of Brandeis: Success Invites New Challenges

R. C. Berman –
Barry Shrage, President of Boston’s CJP, with Rabbi Perets Chein at the dinner.

Waltham, MA — For 85 Brandeis University students, Sunday night marked the end of an experimental semester of seminar style Jewish classes.

A paradigm shift for Chabad of Brandeis, the idea of offering eight innovative courses for students to choose from, was devised by Rabbi Peretz and Chanie Chein who did not want Brandeis University students to become “victims” of their center’s success.

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Accident on Montgomery

Brooklyn, NY — At about 11pm Monday night a Israeli Bochur reversing into a driveway was hit by an oncoming car. The Israeli Bochur was driving a red mini van reversing into the driveway on Montgomery between Kingston and Albany aves, when the silver compact driven by a Black male hit him and went under his rear bumper, causing some significant damage to the compact.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Chabad Michigan at 50

The shluchim of Michigan got together at to mark 50 years of shlichus Chabad and serving the 60,000 Jews of Michigan. 28 shluchim, young and old, veteran shluchim and younger ones who recently joined the army of the Rebbe got together to discuss the significance of a “yovel” (50 years) and the impact that the shluchim had on the state.

More in the Extended

Save the Date – KSCVK

Save the Date

The Keren Simchas Chosson V’Kallah 2nd annual ice cream social and grand L’Chaim bakeoff.

When: Wednesday May 2nd – Pesach Sheni at 7:30 pm

Where: Beis Rivkah 470 Lefferts, Roza Hall

Click here for pictures of last years ice cream social.

More info to follow.

A Brighter Shabbat for Students on Campus
Students at Florida International University join in the candle lighting in memory of Professor Librescu

Los Angeles, CA — This past Friday night, Jewish women on college campuses across America participated in an initiative to dispel some of the darkness experienced by events of the Virginia Tech shooting.

Community Gathers for an Evening in Memory of Reb Gedaliah Shaffer

At 7:00pm last night, a hatcholas sefer torah l’iluy nishmas R. Gedaliah Yerachmiel ben Michel (Shaffer) was held on the second floor of the Jewish Children’s Museum. Family members and close friends participated in writing the first few pesukim of B’raishis on a chelek of klaf honoring a man whose whole life was devoted to and imbued with Torah.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Early Morning Fire on New York Avenue

Crown Heights, Brooklyn – At around 4:50am this morning a fire broke out at 362 New York Ave. between Carroll and President, on the second floor of the two family house. The first floor housed a Kloister and the second floor was the living quarters. All resident made their way out of the burning house without sustaining any injuries.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Video of the Day – Levaya of Slain Virginia Tech Professor Liviu Librescu

Speaking at his father’s funeral Friday, Ari Libreschu, thanked Chabad and the Shliach for “driving five hours to mother and made sure the body would come to Israel as soon as possible.” Shaliach says: “Liviu’s last act lit a fire of unity throughout the world.”

The Empire, the Rabbis and the Color of Money

The Age Au
(L-R) Levi Mochkin and Joseph Gutnick

IT’S a tale that includes a string of rabbis from Oxford to Argentina with thousands of investors in tow, and meetings with high-powered money men throughout the world.

Throw in a supposed telephone call from Neale Daniher, coach of the Melbourne football team, and conversations in Yiddish about who should get what, and you wind up with some of the colour behind a bitter legal battle being played out in the Supreme Court.

Bloomberg Proposes $8 Tolls for NYC Drivers

The Associated Press

Click Here to watch a newscast of this event

New York, NY — For years, the concept of charging motorists to drive into Manhattan’s busiest areas has been batted around as a way to reduce congestion and pollution, but many said it would never happen because of significant opposition.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg has argued both sides of the issue, saying just months ago: “I don’t know that I’m a fan.” But after studying the idea and weighing the perceived benefits _ less traffic and hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue _ the mayor has proposed that the city give it a try.

Chabad Yeshivos got over 10 million dollars in federal funding

In recent years Chabad Yeshivos have been the beneficiaries of over 10 million dollars in federal funding. Nearly all the funds are from the Federal Pell Grant Program while the rest came from Federal Work-Study Program and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants.

According to records obtained by, that cover the fiscal years of 2002-2005, “770” has received nearly $6,000,000, Oholei Torah nearly $3,000,000, Morristown nearly $1,300,000 and Ohr Elchonon in Los Angeles just over $800,000.

A full breakdown in the Extended Article

New Shluchim to Florida

Rabbi Levi and Mrs Fraidy Vogel of Crown Heights will IYH be moving on Shlichus to America’s Oldest City, S. Augustine, FL, where they will establish a new Chabad House serving the needs of the local Jewish population.
The new Shluchim were appointed by Rabbi Yossi Kahanov of Chabad of Jacksonville, FL.


The Vogels can be reached via e-mail at