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JLI Students Take Lesson Outside of the Classroom

Erica Lederman –

Brooklyn, NY — On Sunday, March 25 a group of students from the University of Pennsylvania visited Crown Heights, Brooklyn as part of the Rohr JLI Jewish Essentials course now being offered on several campuses. The field trip consisted of several components, including visits to a matzah bakery, the headquarters of the OK Kosher Laboratories and discussions with prominent Chasidic rabbis.

Hatzalah Member Involved in Serious Accident

Brooklyn, NY – At around 5:00pm yesterday, Sunday afternoon a very serious accident took place at the intersection of Remsen and Avenue B. Eye witnesses say that they had observed the Hatzalah member driving at outrageous speeds before blowing through the intersection without slowing down for the red light and collided with a red Lexus.

More pictures and a video clip in the Extended Article.

Nechama’s Closet – Making a Difference!

Click on the image to go to the auction website!

In 1997 Nechama Leiter (nee Brand), the daughter of Nochum and Chana, passed away at the tender age of 32. Nechama was a caring, gifted person who was very particular in the mitzvah of tznius. She was a picture of grace and elegance and it is in her memory that Nechama’s Closet was established.

For the past nine years Nechama’s Closet has successfully helped countless kallahs and women with Sheva Brochos, Shabbos and Yom Tov clothing. We have recently started providing sheitels for kallahs and women.

Continued in the Extended Article!

16 Years to the Sicha – “Do All That You Can”

Today, Chof Ches Nissan marks 16 years to the Sicha the Rebbe said unexpectedly in 5751 after returning from the Ohel. The Rebbe said with great pain “that all that I have done… it is up to you to do all that you can to bring Moshiach down here…” AD MOSAI?!

Click Here To Listen To The Sicha (Courtesy of

Click Here to see a transcript of the Sicha in Hebrew (PDF)

A translation of excerpts of the Sicha can be read in the Extended Article.

Tragedy: Young Mother Killed in a Horrific Accident – Mrs. Sarah Rosen OBM

Adirondack Northway, NY — It is with great pain and sorrow we report the very untimely passing of Mrs. Shterna Sara Rosen OBM, wife of Rabbi Dovid Rosen, who serves as the Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva Ketana Chabad of Baltimore, and is the daughter of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Levkifker, one of the heads of the Chabad Yeshiva of Tsfat.

The tragic accident occurred in the northbound lanes of the Adirondack Northway (I-87) at Exit 35. The family was on their way back from spending Shabbos in Montreal, Canada to their home in Baltimore, MD. The mother, Mrs. Rosen passed away from her injuries at the scene of the accident and one of the children were rushed to the hospital suffering from critical injuries while the father, R. Dovid and the two other children didn’t sustain any life threatening injuries.

The New York State Police said that the apparent cause for this terrible accident was the harsh weather conditions, which caused the families car to slip off the roadway.

The Levaya will take place Today, Monday in front of 770 at around 5:15 on its way to Israel for burial.

Readers are requested to please say Tehillim for Malka Freida bas Shterna Sarah, who is in critical condition.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes