Seudas Moshiach in the Zal, Upstairs 770

The last day of Passover (“Acharon Shel Pesach”) is particularly associated with Moshiach and the future redemption. The Baal Shem Tov instituted the custom of partaking of a “Seudas Moshiach” (Moshiachs Meal) on the afternoon of the last day of Passover; in addition to the Matzah eaten at “ Seudas Moshiach”, the Rebbes of Chabad added the custom of drinking four cups of wine, as in the Seder held on Passover’s first days.

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Record Number Attend Sedorim in New Zealand

Wellington, New Zealand — With the help of ten Bochurim, and a whole lot of enthusiasm, Chabad of New Zealand hosted a record number of Yidden for the Seder this year.

With multiple Sedorim throughout the country including Queenstown, Canterbury, Ch.Ch. and Nelson providing over 400 Yidden a place to be able to attend a Seder in their area.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Police Involved in Car Crash

Brooklyn, NY – About an hour before the second days of Yom Tov began there was an accident in the intersection of Kingston and Montgomery. The incident took place on Sunday at around 5:30pm when Police Officers were responding to a call on Kingston and Union involving a possible Emotionally Disturbed Person [EDP].

The Police cruiser was heading up Kingston Ave and struck a Black Honda Accord that was crossing the intersection on Montgomery causing it to spin and strike a parked SUV. One patient, the driver of the Honda was complaining of back and neck pains and was transported by EMS to Kings County Hospital. The officers did not sustain any injuries.

More pictures in the Extended Article.