Kinus Hashluchos Haolami Opens This Week

This week Merkos Leinyonai Chinuch will be opening the Kinus Hashluchos Haolami. The Kinus is set to be one of the larges ever, with over 1600 Shluchos registered from around the world!

This year the Vaad HaKinus has been working on many new and exiting programs that will take place throughout the weekend of Chof Bais Shvat, the Rebbetzins Yohtziet. The Kinus opens up on Wednesday the 19th of Shvat and goes on through the 24th of Shvat which will culminate with the grand Banquet that will take place in the Brooklyn Marriot. The keynote address will be given by the Head Shlucha to Argentina, Mrs. Shterna Grunblatt.

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Mazal Tov's View More

Orthodox Teenagers Indicted in Hate Crime

JTA – Breaking News

A New York grand jury indicted five Orthodox Jewish teenagers in a hate crime.

Shlomi Bitton, Yossi Friedman, Benjamin Wasserman and two juveniles were charged with second-degree gang assault and third-degree menacing, according to a statement issued Thursday by Kings County District Attorney Charles Hynes and reported in Newsday. Apology

I would like to apologize to Shmuly Chein and his family, for the recent Mazal Tov posted. The Mazal Tov was maliciously submitted to us and was posted in error.

In light of this disgusting incident we will implement more stringent and thorough Mazal Tov verifications, which will delay our publishing of Mazal Tovs in the future.

Again our apologies to Shmuly and his family.

School Bus Safety – Laws and Regulations

In light of the recent accident that took place this past Friday involving one of our Moisdos School buses we are publishing the Laws & Regulations that apply to Buses. We request that everyone please read this publication and take care to follow it, this is our children’s safety at stake!

Safety Tips: A Must for Everyone!

For Children:
Do Not approach the bus until it comes to a full, complete stop and the door / stop sign is open.
• When you get off the bus, take five giant steps away from the bus, out of the danger zone.
• Cross in front of the bus, and make sure the bus driver can always see you.
• Never Never go back for anything.
• Never bend down near or under the bus.
• Never walk behind the bus, even when the bus is not in motion.