The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Beshalach

The Rebbe says:

1. In this week’s Torah portion the Torah tells us about two wars the Jewish people had (Exodus, Chapter 14, Verses 5-31 and Chapter 17, Verses 8-16). The Egyptians came to wage war with them at the Reed Sea and then later the nation of Amalek attacked them in the desert.

2. The Rebbe now observes how the two wars were handled:

With regards to the war with the Egyptians the Torah tells us that the Jewish people did not lift a finger to fight the Egyptians, Hashem (G-d) fought the war for them. Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses our teacher) told the Jewish people “Hashem will do battle for you, and you shall remain silent” (Exodus, Chapter 14, Verse 14).

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After Agoura Eruv Dismantled, Residents ask ‘What’s up with that?’

Jewish Journal

Conejo Valley, CA — Construction of an eruv in the Conejo Valley was nearly complete last month when area residents began complaining to public officials about aesthetics and safety concerns as well as a lack of proper permits. Last week the eruv’s organizers ordered all remaining portions along the enclosure’s 5-mile perimeter be dismantled.

“We are sorry that mistakes were made and that the eruv was put up in an incorrect way,” Eruv Committee spokesman Eli Eisenberg told a hostile crowd of about 60 Conejo residents during the Oak Park Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) meeting on Jan. 23.

Over 2000 at the 4th Annual Kinus Hatmimim Haolami in Honor of Yud Shvat

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At 7:00pm the Rosa Hall in Bais Rivka Campus Chomesh filled up for the fourth annual Kinus Hatmimim Haolami with well over 2000 Bochurim from yeshivas around the world all packed into the hall for a Farbrengen in honor of Yud Shvat. Special thanks to Kasriel Shemtov and family for sponsoring this wonderful event, in memory of his father R. Menachem Mendel ben R. Ben-Tzion.

Full Article soon to follow.

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Over 150 pictures in the Extended Article!

The Weekly Sedra – Parashas Beshalach – Who Is Your Moshe?

Rabbi Yossi Kahanov Shliach to Jacksonville, FL
And Moshe said to the people: “Fear not, stand by and see the salvation of G-d which He will show you today; for as you have seen Egypt this day, you shall not see them again, forever. G-d shall fight for you, and you shall be silent.”
And G-d said to Moshe: “Why do you cry out to Me? Speak to the children of Israel, that they should go forward.”
– Exodus 14:13-15

Two harrowing centuries of exile and slavery have come to a happy end, as a battery of devastating plagues – no less than ten in total – broke the resolve of the Egyptian tormenters – compelling them to release the children of Israel from their evil clutches.

With their sights now set on Mount Sinai and their long awaited rendezvous with G-d, the Israelites were free at last – well on their way to a future of promise and reward. Or so they thought.

Mesivta Menachem of Amherst (Buffalo) makes Hachonos, farbrengs with Reb Shalom, travels to the Rebbe for Yud Shvat

Hachonos for Yud Shvat began in earnest “Shloishim Yom L’fnei HaChag” with the Shluchim launching a new Mivtza titled “Who Are We.” The Mivtza had the Bachurim learning extensively, researching various Chassidishe topics, answering question sheets, and memorizing essays, all culminating in weekly tests. (The success was so great the Mivtza has been extended until Purim!)

A few days before Yud Shvat, the Bachurim participated in a farbrengen with renowned Mashpia, Reb Shalom Charitonow. Reb Shalom shared some beautiful stories of the Rebbe, delivered intrinsic insights into the Ma’mar Basi L’Gani, and offered words of inspiration.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

YouTube Tutorial on S. Floridas NBC Today Show

With the rising popularity of sites like, the possibilities of uploading photos and videos online are endless. Shmuly Tennenhaus has his own YouTube channel and shared these tips to help you start up your own YouTube video library.

1) Don’t fret….this is very easy!

2) Log onto to create a YouTube account. You must have a YouTube account to upload video . It’s free and should take about one minute to create an account. (YouTube will not flood your inbox with promotions etc.)

Ukraine native staying home to keep Jewish tradition alive

Moishe Leib Kolesnik, spiritual leader of the Jewish community of Ivano-Frankovsk, Ukraine.

Ivano-Frankovsk, Ukraine — As an observant Jew, Moishe Leib Kolesnik admits he thinks about moving to Israel and the ease of living a religious lifestyle there rather than staying in this Western Ukraine city.

But Kolesnik just can’t leave his hometown, which he serves as spiritual leader and keeper of all things Jewish.

“Leaving the community for some time is very difficult for me,” he acknowledges.

Chabad Rabbi Myers verbally attacked

Archive Photo of the Shiach R. Baruch Myers (right) with the former President of Austria Mr. Thomas Klestil

Rabbi Baruch Myers and his 12-year-old son were verbally attacked by two culprits on January 27.

According to the Sme daily, the attack took place downtown in the Slovak capital as the rabbi and his son were leaving a synagogue on Heydukova Street. The two culprits allegedly shouted “Jew! Jews to the gas chambers! Juden raus!”, but did not become violent. Myers said he feared being physically attacked, and hid in a nearby video arcade.

Chabad launches ‘Intel center’ in Hillsboro

The Jewish Review
Chabad Of Oregon Director Rabbi Moshe Wilhelm, center, welcomes Chaya Rivkin and Rabbi Menachem Rivkin, holding 7-month-old twins Shneur and Margalit, respectively.
PAUL HAIST/Jewish Review

An influx of Israelis working for one to two years at Intel in Hillsboro has sparked the opening of a new Chabad Center to serve all Jews in the Hillsboro area.

“The Intel community was the push for us to come to Hillsboro,” said Rabbi Menachem Rivkin, director of the new center. “Here we have an opportunity to take this push to make this operation for every Jew in Hillsboro.

Sefer Torah Celebration in Ft. Lauderdale

The Chabad House of Ft. Lauderdale, headed by the shliach, Rabbi Aharon Yitzchak Halevi Lieberman, held a Sefer Torah dedication this week that was attended by a crowd of 200 including students of the local Semicha Institute. Among the prominent guests at the event were Rabbi Alter Yissachar Halevi Lieberman, secretary of the Chabad Rabbinical Court in Israel, Rabbi Yitzchak Yehudah Yeruslavski, the scribe, Rabbi Shimon Sonnenfeld of Nachalas Har Chabad, the Rosh Yeshiva of Tomchei Temimim of Miami, Rabbi Yehudah Leib Shapira and others.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

New Chabad center launched in London

The Jerusalem Post

British Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks will be the guest of honor on Wednesday evening at the official opening of Friends of Lubavitch UK’s new exclusive center, the Gaon Club, in the West End of London.

Situated in the prestigious Bond Street area of central London directly off Oxford Street, London’s busiest shopping street, the Gaon Club will be a space for young professionals and business people to meet in a relaxed and stylish setting and conduct business or social meetings. Jewish community members from across the world who come to London on business will also be welcomed.