Rabbi Stands Strong on Beliefs – ‘Deceptive’ Practices Outlined

The Coloradoan
Rabbi Yerachmiel Gorelik introduces Rabbi
Bentzion Kravitz, director of Jews for Judaism,
during a lecture Thursday at Lory Student
Center at Colorado State University. Jews for
Judaism is a counter-missionary group which
counters groups that target Jews for conversion.
Kravitz, rear, spoke to the audience about the
Messianic Christian movement and also how
Jews can respond to missionary Christians.

Ft. Collins, CO — A lecture Thursday at Lory Student Center drew a crowd of curious students and community members interested in learning about Christian missionary efforts to convert Jews.

Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz, author of the “The Jewish Response to Missionaries” and founder of Jews for Judaism, was invited by the Chabad Jewish Student Alliance to speak at the university. Jews for Judaism, which plays on the name of a Christian missionary organization Jews for Jesus, is a counter-missionary group focused on Christian efforts to target Jews for conversion.

Kravitz outlined what he considers to be deceptive tactics of Messianic Christian organizations such as Jews for Jesus and Chosen People Ministries, who claim Jews can believe in Jesus as the Messiah and remain Jewish.

He said Jews are concerned about Christians who misquote Jewish texts or adopt Jewish objects such as wearing yarmulkes, or skull caps, and talleisim, or prayer shawls.

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