Over 100 Bochurim-Shluchim Spend Shabbos in Miami

Over 100 Bochurim-Shluchim at the biggest ever Kinus yet, finished a Shabbos of non-stop Farbrengens. The energy in the room was palpable, as all of them danced shoulder-to-shoulder, celebrating their common zechus in being the Rebbe’s Shluchim.

Following Mincha on Friday evening, the Shluchim found their seats as Yudi Steiner, Kinus coordinator, officially welcomed the assembled Shluchim. After his warm opening remarks, he introduced the guest Mashpia, Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi who spoke for a few minutes on the purpose of the Kinus and the significance of it taking place on Shabbos Vayechi.

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Kinus Hatmimim Hashluchim Underway in Miami

Over 100 Bochurim-Shluchim gathered from the United States and Canada in Miami Beach, Florida for the annual Kinus Hatmimim Hashulchim. The Bochurim began arriving on Thursday night and were set up in their room in the Yeshiva of Miami. That night Bochurim had already gathered and begun Farbrenging with each other.

Friday morning at 8:30am was a Shiur Chassidus in the Maamor Bosi Legani from R. Yosef Yeshaya Abrams mashpia in the Yeshiva, followed by Shacharis, breakfast and registration where Bochurim received a tefillin bag.

The Bochurim later heard a Shiur on Hilchos Mikvo’os from R. Pinchos Weberman the Rabbi of Kehillas Ohev Shalom in Miami.

Full gallery of over 70 pictures in the Extended Article!

Opportunity in Romania Lures Growing Numbers of Israelis

Rebecca Rosenthal – Lubavitch.com

Bucharest, Romania — Ideally, Chabad representatives to Romania would like to see Jews return to Israel. But for the growing numbers who opt to stay, Bucharest is experiencing a Jewish revival.

As Romanian society swings wide open to accommodate the recent embrace by the European Union, Jewish life in the former Eastern bloc country is experiencing a parallel sweeping change, with an influx of Israeli citizens and international businesspeople. In addition to the 15,000 Romanian Jews, Israelis have added another 10,000, according to estimates by Chabad representative, Rabbi Naftali Deutsch. Jewish embassy workers and investors riding the Romanian economic wave pump up the country’s Jewish population by another thousand or so.

Friendship and Leadership

Shluchim Office’s Friendship Circle Division organizing first-ever girls’ volunteer leadership Shabbaton

Brooklyn, NY — Since its launching twelve years ago in West Bloomfield, Michigan, the Friendship Circle has become a phenomenon. The Chabad-based volunteer program, which pairs service-minded Jewish teens with children with special needs, has spread to 10 American states and four countries since its 1994 inception. A current total of 3,850 volunteers now operate under the leadership of their local shluchim worldwide.

“I never believed the success would go this far,” says Rabbi Levi Shemtov, the Circle’s founder. “I guess we underestimated the power of selfless and dedicated teenagers.”

Neshei Chabad Retreat Aimed at all Jewish Women

Kansas City Jewish Chronicle

Overland Park, KS — Blumah Wineberg said that more than 50 years ago the Lubavitcher Rebbe, the late Rabbi Menachem M. Schneersohn, had the foresight to create the Lubavitch Woman’s Organization known as Neshei U’bnos Chabad.

The Rebbe maintained that women share the obligation to study and master the esoteric “soul” of Torah and thereby achieve knowledge, love and awe of God.

“At that point, he felt that women had tremendous power and ability to bring about change and have tremendous strength to tap into that for spiritual and physical well-being,” Wineberg said.

Wineberg, who serves as director of the local Neshei Chabad, said the national organization is still trying to nourish the souls of Jewish women. It will do so next week at its 45th annual Neshei U’bnos Chabad Convention, which will be held in Kansas City Friday through Sunday, Jan. 12-14, at the Hilton Airport Hotel. The weekend’s theme is “A Spa for the Body, Mind and Soul.” Similar conventions are also held in Europe, Israel and South America.