Lubavitcher Yeshiva Chovevai Torah Releases Shluchim List

This year Chovevai Torah has selected 20 Bochurim who will be dispatched to Yeshivos around the world as Talmidim HaShluchim and will provide more personal attention in the learning environment as well as assist in the Mivtzoim Programs.

Yesterday the Menahel Ruchny R. Kalmen Wienfeld took the list of Bochurim to the Ohel followed by a meeting with R. Dovid Raskin, Menahel Of the Central Lubavitcher Yeshiva, who pointed out the Rebbe’s terms for Bochurim going out on Shlichus.

To view the full list click on the Extended Article!

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Can A Jewish Community Fly In Dumbo?

Debra Nussbaum Cohen – The Jewish Week

Early one Friday evening about a year ago, while in the middle of our family Shabbat dinner, there was a knock at the front door.

I opened it to find one familiar face — an observant guy from the neighborhood who has taught my son piano – and a new one.

The new guy was Rabbi Ari Kirschenbaum, a young Lubavitcher who had recently decamped to our corner of Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. They were holding Shabbat evening services in an apartment over the local greasy spoon across the street and needed a 10th man to make the minyan. Could my husband come?

Lubavitcher Arrested for Not Participating in Gaza Disengagement

Arutz Sheva
Reuven Weisblich

A resident of Shaarei Tikvah, in Samaria, was arrested Monday night for an act of conscientious objection he made nearly one year ago, on the eve of Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria. At the time, Reuven Weissblich, a father of three and a Lubavitcher Chassid, refused to report for reserve duty, writing to his commanders that he “does not want to be a part of the crime of expulsion” and that the Torah forbids relinquishing parts of the Land of Israel.

Police officers turned up at Weissblich’s home Monday with no prior warning or summons. Ever since his arrest, he has been unable to speak with his family.

Rebbe commemorated at White House


A commemoration of the passing of the Lubavitch rebbe will culminate in a White House briefing.

Leaders of both parties in Congress, as well as top Bush administration officials, are attending the two-day tribute to Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who died June 12, 1994.

The theme is education, and speakers include Elie Wiesel; U.S. Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff; and Australia’s defense minister. Chertoff and Joshua Bolten, the White House chief of staff, who are both Jewish, will attend the White House briefing Wednesday morning.

About 30 diplomats joined Lubavitch emissaries to their countries at the events. Thousands of people also are expected to gather at the rebbe’s grave in New York on the anniversary of his death.

Hundreds On Hand for a Farbrengen in Preparation of Gimmel Tamuz

Hundreds of Bochurim gathered yesterday evening in the Oholei Torah Zal for a Farbrengen in preparation of Gimmel Tamuz, which falls out this Thursday. Many Mashpiim took part in the Farbrengen including R Yossi Jacobson, Mashpia in Chovevai Torah and R. Itche Nemenov, Mashgiach in the Yeshiva in Bryony. At the conclusion of the formal part of the Farbrengen a video was displayed for the first time and a Teshurah with answers from the Rebbe, publicized for the first time as well, was given out.

The Bochurim then gathered into groups and Farbrenged into the wee hours of the morning.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

A Harvard Phenomenon

Baila Olidort –
Rich Krumholz, Rabbi Zarchi, Elkie Zarchi, Rebecca Rohr, George Rohr, Blair Axel, Andrew Krumholz

For Jewish parents of Harvard-bound students, the feeling is all too familiar. Proud that they’ve been accepted to one of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in the world, parents are also understandably anxious about the culture at this Ivy League institution, and how it will affect their yet-young-and-vulnerable children. “It’s not the warmest place, you know,” one parent said, explaining her worry in an interview with