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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 52% OFF 10 Tiers Shoe Rack

Grab this perfect InfoDeal!

FIDUCIAL HOME 10 Tiers Shoe Rack

20-25 Pairs Sturdy Shoe Shelf

DEAL PRICE: $14.53 (52% OFF)


Grab The Deal Through Amazon: Click Here

Mazal Tov's View More

INBOX: The Realities of Hachnosas Orchim

It’s a zechus for us to live in Crown Heights and to play a role in hosting so many visitors. But as the influx of guests continues to grow, it’s important to reflect on the realities of hachnosas orchim and how we can ensure this mitzvah is approached with sensitivity, mutual respect, and appreciation.

INBOX: Baruch Hashem! I Lost a $70,000 Deal!!

That’s right — I lost a deal worth $70,000. Not because I uncovered some scandalous activity, nor because it was replaced by a sudden windfall. No, I simply lost it. After three weeks of hard work, the deal came down to the wire, and forces beyond my control caused it to fall through.

Op-Ed: Equality in Every Bunk – Rethinking Camp Practices

Picture this: Friday night, as campers gather around tables, voices ring out, criticizing the food served with disdain, while devouring home-cooked or store-bought delights—kugel, cake, schnitzel—the very fare they spurn in camp. And amidst them sits Mendel, perhaps quieter than the rest, his parents unable to make the pilgrimage upstate, either due to financial constraints or because they live out of sate or on shlichus.

Op-Ed: Urgent Call for Responsible Scooter Use in Our Community

Dear community, I encourage everyone to read the following piece on the growing dangerous trend in our neighborhood involving the reckless use of oversized electric scooters by young individuals. This issue affects the safety of our streets and the well-being of our children. Let’s have an open dialogue in the comment section, as I believe this is one of the best ways to bring about positive change among us. Thank you.