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BESHT: The Rambam’s Igeres Hasmad

Shabbos at the BESHT: Rabbi Dovid Leib Grossbaum was sent on bochurim shlichus to Miami Beach Yeshiva Gedola in years 1974-1976. He later went on Shlichus as a kollel yungerman to be part of new Kollel in Melbourne Australia in 1979. He was also a Meishiv in Smicha program in Melbourne Smicha in years 1997-2007 and most recently a Meishiv Yoreh Deah in 770 for 5 years 2012-2017.

Leaked Agri Star Letter Addressed to the Crown Heights Bais Din Says They Want To Stay Out Of Court, But Will Go If They Have To

In a leaked letter dated April 4th, 2024, a lawyer for the Agri Star Meat and Poultry plant, which owns the Shor Habor brand, writes to the Crown Heights Bais Din and the CHK outlining their grievance over the removal of the Hechsher, and states that although they do not want to go to court, they will if they have to.